Please Give to the Max on November 17!
Help MAST keep ski racing affordable for all Minneapolis students. To make ski racing more affordable to more students and families in Minneapolis, MAST hopes to raise funds through Give to the MAX to help cover the costs of lift tickets and entry fees at AWAY races and Invitationals and to purchase training equipment such as gates, drills, and coaches radios. We thank you for any level of support you can extend: GIVE to the MAX for MAST! |
MAST is a “cooperative” ski team available to students in grades 7-12 from the seven high schools and 21 middle schools in the Minneapolis Public School system. We offer the only opportunity for Minneapolis students to ski race in Minnesota State High School League sanctioned competitions.
MAST team members have a wide range of skiing ability levels, from beginner to expert. All ability levels are welcomed, no one is cut, everyone is coached, and everyone races on a regular basis. Our mission is to turn every team member into an expert skier… and to make skiing a sport for life.
MAST works hard to keep costs as low as possible for skiers and their families, while also providing them with the highest level of coaching and training possible. Even with partial funding from Minneapolis Public Schools as of the 2014-15 school year, each athlete is required to purchase a season pass to the local ski area ($349). They also pay a team fee ($150) and an MPS activity fee ($60), both of which help cover the team’s operating costs. In order to more fully develop our skiers’ skills, MAST offers additional training opportunities during the season at more challenging ski areas (supplemental training), which adds an additional expense to their budget. For some students, these costs may make alpine ski racing unthinkable.
To make ski racing more affordable to more students and families in Minneapolis, MAST hopes to raise funds to help cover the costs of lift tickets and entry fees at AWAY races and Invitationals and to purchase training equipment such as gates, drills, and coaches radios.
Please help us make this happen. We appreciate your support!
(Click Here) To donate
MAST team members have a wide range of skiing ability levels, from beginner to expert. All ability levels are welcomed, no one is cut, everyone is coached, and everyone races on a regular basis. Our mission is to turn every team member into an expert skier… and to make skiing a sport for life.
MAST works hard to keep costs as low as possible for skiers and their families, while also providing them with the highest level of coaching and training possible. Even with partial funding from Minneapolis Public Schools as of the 2014-15 school year, each athlete is required to purchase a season pass to the local ski area ($349). They also pay a team fee ($150) and an MPS activity fee ($60), both of which help cover the team’s operating costs. In order to more fully develop our skiers’ skills, MAST offers additional training opportunities during the season at more challenging ski areas (supplemental training), which adds an additional expense to their budget. For some students, these costs may make alpine ski racing unthinkable.
To make ski racing more affordable to more students and families in Minneapolis, MAST hopes to raise funds to help cover the costs of lift tickets and entry fees at AWAY races and Invitationals and to purchase training equipment such as gates, drills, and coaches radios.
Please help us make this happen. We appreciate your support!
(Click Here) To donate