MAST Update #9
Saturday, November 4, 2023 Good Afternoon MAST Athletes, Families and Coaches: One week to go. Crunch time. The coaches are excited to get started. Hopefully you are as well. This update is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. I will be sharing new information with you as well as new links to follow, plus some reminders. The pre-season is filled with administrative tasks. Please get them done this week. There will be plenty of more administrative tasks to complete every week once the season opens. Ready-Set-Go! I. Giants Ridge Training Camp Information and Registration Our 16th Annual Giants Ridge Training Camp is NOW Open for Registration. When: Monday, December 18 at 6AM to Thursday, December 21 at 10PM. Where: Training at Giants Ridge Recreation Area; Lodging at Camp Chicagami. Transportation: Northfield Bus Lines and Shubat Bus. Meals: Breakfasts and Dinners at Camp Chicagami. Lunches at Giants Ridge. Cost: $650 includes four days of lift tickets, lane fees, training; three nights lodging; three breakfasts, four lunches, three dinners; AWESOME coaching. Detailed information about camp can be found on our website. Here is a link: To register for the 2023 MAST Giants Ridge Training Camp Click Here Deadline to register: December 1, 2023. Yup, short registration window. II. Ski Area Release of Liability Waivers Every ski area in Minnesota is now requiring athletes and parents to sign a release of liability. These can all be completed and signed online. I believe that some if not all of the waivers require a parent’s signature, even if the athlete is 18 years old. Check each waiver for details. I would ask all parents to sign each waiver for each athlete by Sunday, November 12. This gives you one week to get this done and off MY T0-Do List. Yup, another short window. Afton promises me that its waiver will be ready early this week so you should be able to get them all done by Sunday. But please start on the three that are ready to go now. And then we never have to talk about it again... until next year. Hyland Wild and Welch Giants Ridge This link will take you to all of the various waivers used by different customers who ski at Giants Ridge. You as an alpine ski racer need to open and complete the waiver titled “2023-24 Competitive Event Participation Agreement.” Afton: I have not yet received the Afton competition release/waiver. As soon as Afton sends me the link, I will pass it along to you. III. MAST Registrations For those who still need to register with MAST, Click Here: IV. MPS Registrations Are you registered for alpine skiing with MPS Athletics? Are you Cleared To Participate? The athletic directors must “CLEAR” you before the coaches are allowed to let you participate in practice. If you registered with MPS, check with your high school athletic director to see if you are cleared to participate or are missing any forms. I suggest stopping by his or her office rather than calling or emailing. They are really busy. And if the ADs send me a list of cleared athletes, I will send that out to all of you. If you still need to register with MPS for Alpine Skiing, here are the links you can follow. For Washburn and Justice Page Students: For Southwest and Anthony Students: For All Other High Schools and Middle Schools: Note that you are asked to click on a separate link to pay the MPS Activity Fee of $75. If you are in Middle School, you will not be able to pay the activity fee online. This is a glitch in the system. You will need to mail or deliver a check to your HIGH SCHOOL Athletic Director. Please write ALPINE SKIING in the memo line so the AD knows to apply your payment to Alpine Skiing. You may also want to include a note with the payment with the name of your athlete. V. Captains’ Practices continue Tuesday and Thursday this week at Lynnhurst Park from 4-5:15PM. VI. Concussion Baseline Testing Dates If you have not signed up to take the Concussion Baseline Test, do so today. Remember, Sanford/Roosevelt athletes take the test on Wednesday, November 8 and do not need to sign up in advance. All Anthony/SW and Justice Page/Washburn students need to sign up in advance because space is limited on each testing date. Here is a link to sign up: Concussion Baseline Testing Sign UP Note that there are separate tabs for SW and Washburn. VII. Orientation to the 2023-24 Alpine Season Sunday, November 12 at 6PM All athletes and at least one parent need to attend this online presentation. We will share some very specific and. important information about our season. Any clouds of confusion you have currently will be answered, unless we are confused as well. I will send out a link to this very exciting meeting later this week. Plan to log on using the link that I will send to your MPSEDU email. That way you should be able to just pop into the meeting without needing to be admitted. And have your parents watch with you on your screen. Make it a family event. Popcorn, blankets, slippers, hot cocoa.. snuggle in together. VIII. Fundraise For Yourself Only eight days remain to sell coffee and salsa. Raise money for supplemental trainings, camp, the banquet, or even next year’s team fee. All forms and payments are due Monday, November 13th at the Hyland Season Pass Pick Up Night. Here is a link for more information about this individual fundraiser: Urban Ventures/MinneSalsa Fundraiser IX. MAST Athlete Retreat Saturday, November 18 11th and 12th Grades: 9:00-Noon: 7th through 10th Grades: 1-4PM Location: Bush Lake Ski Jump Chalet (84th Street and Bush Lake Road) Retreat Topics: Slalom Racing 101: Introduction To Slalom Training and Racing Elements of a Slalom Course and Race Day Inspection Technique Technique and Tactics: Introduction to the Fundamentals Technique and Tactics: Developing Skills To Critique Yourself How To Tune Your Skis and Care For Your Equipment Athlete Mindset For Peak Performance Mental Training and Visualization Training Goal Setting Managing Your Time, Health and Well Being As An Athlete A Message To The 12th Graders: You are invited to stay after the morning session to help the coaches and captains lead the afternoon sessions for the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th graders. No obligation, but it would be nice to have you contribute your assistance and experience. X. PARENTS--SAVE THE DATE SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3 AT 7PM Race Worker Training (online) XI. MAST Family Contact Roster I will send out a team roster with contact information for parents and athletes. This roster can be used to reach out to families who live near you to form car pools, ask advice or offer assistance (like how to tune skis). No other use would be respectful. For those of you in witness protection or living off the grid, if you do not want your name, phone numbers, address, email addresses, or any other contact information listed, please send me an email and I will redact that information from the roster. XII. Hyland Season Pass Many of you indicated at registration that you would be sending a check so that MAST could purchase a season pass. It appears that some of you forgot to send a check. We have ordered all of the passes that were paid for, so some of you are not on the list for a pass with Hyland. Make sure that you purchase your pass directly from Hyland. Here is a link: Hyland Season Pass Online Purchase If you order your pass online, or already ordered your pass online, you can pick up your pass on Monday, November 13 with the rest of the team. Coming Soon:
Mark 612-275-8392 Comments are closed.
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