MAST Update 18 Sunday, January 17, 2021 Dear MAST Athletes, Families and Coaches: We had a very successful first week of training. Enthusiasm was high. Effort was spectacular. We focused on learning the fundamental skills of making a perfectly carved turn. Thank you to all the coaches who were able to make it to the hill this week and get everyone off to a great start. We will continue to work extremely hard at mastering the fundamentals while also testing them in courses this week. You will see a lot of ‘stubby’ courses in the days ahead. You will be asked to do the same drills you have been learning and practicing in our directed free skiing sessions but now in a stubby course: hands on hips, palms together drill, outside ski to outside ski, pole jumpers, clap behind the back, and so many more. You are so lucky to ski on MAST because you will get really good at this sport. But you have to do the drills and learn to LOVE THEM. So far, REALLY good! Team Goal: I am setting three goals for everyone on the team. By Saturday’s race, I want everyone to be able to:
Monday, Jan 18 Race @ Wild Mt 4:30PM Start-- arrive with boots on between 2:45 and 3PM. Meet in front of the chalet to pick up your bib and meet the coaches. ---AND--- Monday, Jan 18 5:00-7:15PM. Junior Varsity Training All Pods. Lanes 2, 3, 4, 5. Bring Rope Tow Gloves. Meet on Lanes 2, 3. Tuesday, Jan. 19. Hyland Training 3:30-5:30PM Pods 10, 11, 12 Lanes 5, 6 5:00-7:15PM Pods 9, 10 Lanes 5, 6, 8. Meet on South Chair @ 5:00 6:30-8:45PM Pods 7, 8 Lane 6 Meet on South Chair @6:30. Bring Rope Tow Gloves and Shin Guards Wednesday, Jan. 20. Hyland Training 3:30-5:30PM Pods 10, 11, 12 Lanes C, B 5:00-7:15PM Pods 9, 10 Lanes C, B. Meet on South Chair @ 5:00 6:30-8:45PM Pods 7, 8 Lane C, B. Meet on South Chair @6:30. Bring Shin Guards Thursday, Jan. 21. Hyland Training. 3:30-5:30PM Pods 10, 11, 12 Lanes 2, 3 5:00-7:15PM Pods 9 Lanes 2 Meet on South Chair @ 5:00 6:30-8:45PM Pods 7, 8 Lane 2 Meet on South Chair @6:30. Bring Shin Guards Friday, Jan. 22. Hyland Training. 3:30-5:30PM Pods 10, 11, 12 Lanes 5, 6 5:00-7:15PM Pods 7, 8, 9 Lanes 5, 6 Meet on South Chair @ 5:00 Bring Rope Tow Gloves and Shin Guards Saturday, Jan. 23. RACE DAY 7:45AM-10AM Junior Varsity Race Lanes 1, 2 Meet on North Chair 9:30-Noon Varsity Race Lanes 1, 2 Meet on Center Chair II. Adjustments for Week Three and Some Reminders After a week of adjusting to the reality of skiing during a pandemic, heavy crowds, and a closed chalet, we are going to make one adjustment to the schedule. Pod 10 athletes can chose to attend either the 3:30 practice with Pods 11 and 12 or the 5:00 practice with Pod 9 (except on the dates when only one lane is assigned at the 5PM time slot.). This will even out our numbers between the two practice times. For all practices, please note where you are to meet your coaches at the start time. For most practices, athletes attending the 5 and 6:30 practices will meet on the South Chair. Please carefully view the MAST Instagram Progression each day so you can get started on your drills as soon as you reach the summit. That way, you don’t need to listen to Mark drone on and on about which drill to perform and how to perform it. III. Wild Mountain Race: Monday, Jan 18--Additional Details Attached is a Jan 18 Race Plan and Run Orders. I encourage parents to make copies of the run orders so you can follow the race. Note that there is a First Run Run Order and a Second Run Run Order. I still don’t have Wild Mt Liability Releases from the following athletes. [If you dropped your waiver in my mailbox (yesterday or today) I haven't been home yet to retrieve it. Heading there tonight.] Abel Claeson Isensee Jurek and Jurek Jurek Lamb Lamosse MacKimm Mueller Noble-Schuler Renz Svedahl The RELEASE is attached. Please fill it out, sign it and scan it. Email it back to me tonight at [email protected]. If you are unable to scan it tonight, be sure to bring it to the hill tomorrow. PARENTS: WE NEED GATE JUDGES and a STARTER. We have volunteers signed up to maintain the course, but we still need a minimum of three gate judges and a STARTER. Gate judges can hike up or be on skis. There are only 36 skiers in each race (boys and girls) so it will not take long. The STARTER is on a head set with Timing. The job is easy to learn and fun. You will see the top half of the course and get to be a part of the action. My wife has filled this role the last four years at Sections and loved it. You will tell the Timer the bib number of the race in the start gate and when the Timer instructs you to send the racer, you issue the Start Commands: "READY....GO." Please send me an email if you can gate judge OR fill the Starter role. If you work the race, MAST will purchase your lift ticket. Parent Lift Ticket Requests Here are the names of families that requested a parent/sibling lift ticket: Arbeiter-1 Arnold-2 Bitney-1 Cumming-1 Ehlers-1 Wedren-1 If anyone volunteers to gate judge, I will cancel your ticket order. Coaches at Wild: Mark Conway Daniel Polland Paige Alampi Kirsten Moertel Jeff Hemer Dane Hartzell Everyone: if your name is missing or you would like to make a change, please email before 9am tomorrow. A reminder for everyone to read and know the Wild Mt COVID-19 protocols. IV. January 23 Race at Hyland If you haven't done so already, please be sure to STATE YOUR INTENTIONS to race or not race in the race at Hyland on Saturday, January 23. The deadline to do so is Tuesday, Jan 19. The JV race will begin at 8:45am and the Varsity race will begin at 10:30AM. Look for a second email with a link to sign up to volunteer as a race worker. Thanks everyone. Mark Conway 612-275-8392
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