We are entering the heart of our season. There is much to discuss tonight. Training, racing, and our big fundraiser with Great Harvest Bread Company. I will be sending a second email later this weekend with an update about camp. Let me start with our fundraiser next week, the Baker of the Day Great Harvest Bread Company Fundraiser.
We are trying to raise $10,000 for our team. If everyone pre-sells $100 in baked goods we will easily reach our goal. It is hard to express how important this fundraiser is to our team. For nineteen years, the parents and coaches of MAST have provided a quality ski racing program at a fraction of the cost of local club programs. Team Gilboa, for example, charges a team fee of $1950.00 to join the U16 USSS program. This fee covers training and coaching four days a week at Hyland and coaching at races. If you want to race in a race, you will also need to pay for lift tickets and race entry fees at races and membership fees with US Ski and Snowboard. In contrast, for an activity fee of $75 and a team fee of $175, our athletes get coaching and training six days a week. Race entry fees and lift tickets for races are covered by the team. Transportation to races is covered by Mpls Public Schools thankfully. We charge extra for the Giants Ridge Camp and Supplemental Training. Consider the value: $460 for three full days of training and a race day, transportation, lodging, and coaching. Moreover, we work hard to get new skiers into used equipment at an affordable price--or free whenever possible, just so they can try the sport. Last night I uploaded several hundred video clips from the Giants Ridge Camp onto Sprongo. The high-quality video camera I used to shoot the video was purchased with money we raised two years ago when we were the Baker of the Day at Great Harvest. There are currently 12,364 videos clips uploaded to our MAST Sprongo account that is paid for using fundraising money. I am also composing this message to you on the computer we purchased with those same funds. At the same time that I am composing this email, our athletes are training in gates we purchased with MAST fundraising money and the ten two-way radios that our coaches are using to communicate with each other on the hill are the fruit of our fundraising efforts over the years… as are Willie, Sally and Becca, our new paid coaches. So... we need to raise money to cover all our expenses and grow and offer a quality program that is affordable to more people. The Baker of the Day fundraiser is our opportunity. Please make the most of this. Baker of the Day Co-Chairs Jodi, Abbey, and Jean will be at Hyland practices next week to collect order forms and pre-sale money. Please sell to your neighbors, family, friends, and perfect strangers this weekend. Then, bring your order forms and money to practice this week. For more information on how to participate and to download the order forms, CLICK HERE. I. Week Nine Calendar Monday, January 7 Hyland Training Varsity/JV Lanes 2, 3 5:00-7:30PM Tuesday, January 8 Dual Meet vs Mound-West-Tonka and Armstrong/Cooper 3:30PM Inspection Opens 4:30PM First Run Start Time Wednesday, January 9 Hyland Training Split Varsity/JV Lanes 7 and 8 5:00-7:30PM Varsity Training 6:30-8:45PM JV Training Meet On South Chair at 6:30PM Thursday, January 10 Hyland Training Varsity/JV Lanes 7 and 8 5:00-7:30PM Friday, January 11 Welch Invitational 9:00AM Load Bus at Washburn HS 11:45AM Inspection Opens 12:30PM First Run Start Time 1:45PM Second Run Start Time 3:30PM Awards 4:30PM Depart for Washburn. Bring a sack lunch or money to purchase lunch. Friday, January 11 Hyland JV Race 3:30PM Inspection Opens 4:30PM First Run Start Time Saturday, January 12 Hyland Training Varsity/JV Lanes A, B, C 7:45-10:30AM Sunday, January 13 GREAT HARVEST BREAD COMPANY FUNDRAISER II. State Your Race Intentions We have SEVEN races scheduled over the next three weeks. I need EACH ONE OF YOU to STATE YOUR RACE INTENTIONS FOR ALL SEVEN RACES, with one exception—varsity racers do not state your intentions to the JV races at Hyland. The Welch and Afton Invitationals are for Varsity skiers. However, some varsity skiers will be declining the invitation to race in these Invitational Meets, so I want JV racers to also state your race intentions for the Welch and Afton Invitationals. Should we need to fill our varsity teams with JV racers, I will contact you if a start position opens up for you. Please know that you will be missing one day of school to attend the Welch Invitational. You have early releases for the JV race on Friday and the Hyland races on January 8th and 17th. You are out of school on January 24th and 25th. You received via email a list of athletes who have already stated their race intentions for the next seven races. Thank you for doing this. Here is a link to STATE YOUR INTENTIONS. Also, we need to know your Race Intentions by the published deadline. January 8th Hyland Dual Meet Sign Up Deadline: Monday, January 6, 9PM January 11th Welch Invitational Race Sign Up Deadline: Monday, January 6, 9PM January 11th Hyland JV Race Sign Up Deadline: Tuesday, January 8, 9PM January 17th Hyland Dual Meet Sign Up Deadline: Monday, January 14th, 9PM January 18th Hyland JV Race Sign Up Deadline: Monday, January 14th, 9PM January 24th Spirit Mt Invitational Race Sign Up Deadline: Friday, January 18th, 9PM January 25th Afton Invitational Race Sign Up Deadline: Friday, January 18th, 9PM III. Race Workers Needed We need race workers for the two Hyland races on January 8th and January 17th: Gate Judges, Course Workers, Race Announcers, Scoreboard Recorders, Bib Collectors, and Fans. We will also need a small number of race workers for the JV races. Please look for a separate email asking for volunteers later this weekend. IV Welch Village Release of Liability Waivers Many ski areas this year are requiring all skiers to sign release of liability waivers. In order for our coaches and athletes to train or race at Welch Village this year, all racers need to complete TWO waivers on-line. If you plan to race on January 11th in the Welch Invitational or January 31st in the Dual Meet at Welch, you need to fill this out THIS WEEKEND. ACTUALLY, PARENTS NEED TO FILL OUT THESE WAIVERS AND SIGN THEM. Welch Village Day Ticket Release Welch Village Race Release V. Supplemental Training We are cancelling the Welch Village Supplemental Training Scheduled for Saturday, January 12. The Great Harvest Baker of the Day fundraiser is the next day and I want everyone to be well rested to make the most of this day. Our next Supplemental Training is scheduled for Saturday, January 19th at Wild Mt. We may move this training to Welch Village to give you an opportunity to train on steeper terrain. Stay tuned. I will let you know when registration opens for January 19th. That’s all for now… Mark Comments are closed.
February 2025
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