Hyland is covered in white and opens tomorrow. I was told early in the week that Hyland would open for the weekend and then close again to make more snow during the week. I suspect that IF that is STILL their plan that they will re-open on Friday to 15th. Stay tuned. Be flexible. Be prepared to ski this week just in case Hyland stays open after this weekend.
MAST Parent Party and Race For The Golden Ski—Are You Signed Up? Sunday, November 10th from 3:00-6:00. Race for the coveted 'Golden Ski' is at 5:00 We'll have chili and all the fixins, cocoa, beer, wine, cider, and sodas.
Season Pass Picture Night and Pick Up All MAST athletes should come to Hyland on Monday, November 11 between 6:30 and 7:30PM to pick up your Hyland Season Pass. If you are under 18 years of age, you need to have your parents sign the attached Three Rivers Park District Waiver. If your parents are attending this event, they can sign it at Hyland. But if you are coming on your own or with a different family, please download, print, and have your parents sign this waiver and bring it with you. Individual Fundraiser Is Officially Open: Urban Ventures (UV) Coffee Sales All MAST athletes are invited to participate in our Individual Fundraiser with Urban Ventures Coffee. Download the Fundraiser Information Page and the Fundraiser Order Form. Go door to door, reach out to family and friends and perfect strangers, hit up all those co-workers who always hit you up. Be sure to collect payment when the order is placed. Checks should be made payable to Mpls Alpine Ski Team. All the money you earn will be put into your SportsSignUp account for use during the season or next year—GR camp, supplemental training sessions, the banquet. Or save up credits to use next year to help cover your team fees. WHY? Good Profit - Earn profit for each item the athlete sells. Help pay for supplemental training, Giants Ridge Camp, etc. The money from the sale benefits the INDIVIDUAL athlete, not the team. Good Coffee – Urban Ventures coffee is responsibly sourced, sustainably grown and roasted daily in Northeast Minneapolis in small batches. The roaster trades directly with coffee growers and brokers, ensuring integrity. Good Cause – Percentage of sales donated by the roaster directly to Urban Ventures for after-school mentoring and sports programs in the Central & Phillips neighborhoods. Good for Everyone – Who doesn’t drink coffee, tea or hot cocoa? Makes a great gift for the holiday season. WHAT WE’RE SELLING
MPS Registrations I know that the athletic directors are busy processing registration forms and clearing athletes for participation. I am keeping track of the athletes who are cleared to participate. Attached is the list of athletes who are CLEARED as of yesterday (Thursday evening). You will also see a list of athletes who have turned in some forms but are not fully cleared. See the notes provided by the ADs for information about what is missing. I have not heard from SW or Washburn today, so if your name is not on the attached list of cleared athletes, you may have been cleared today. If I hear from the ADs today or over the weekend, I will send a follow up email. If you haven’t gotten your forms into your Athletic Director, do so first thing Monday morning please. Thanks all... the fun is about to start. Mark Conway 612-275-8392 [email protected] Comments are closed.
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