Winter has officially arrived. Wild Mt opens tonight. An October ski area opening is a rare phenomenon. Take a moment to reflect on this moment in Minnesota skiing history. Mark this date in your diary. If you can actually get out to Wild for some skiing between now and Thursday, you will be able to tell your grandkids all about it someday.
So... let’s make sure we are ready to go on November 11....just in case these temps continue and Hyland can get the snow down quickly. MPS Athletics Registration If you have not turned in your athletic forms to your high school athletic director, do so this week. Here is a link to print the forms: Washburn Forms Forms For All Other High Schools Roster and Car Pools If you have visited our website recently, you will see that registration is now closed. You received via email a roster with contact information for each athlete and his or her family. Please respect this information. It should only be used to communicate within the team for MAST purposes only. The most immediate purpose would be to form carpools. If you are a returning MAST skier and have room in your existing carpool for another skier, please feel free to reach out to someone new on the team who might live close by. We need to help out each other so our skiers can get on the snow. Another idea for use? Veterans, you could invite a rookie MAST skier and parent over to your home for a tutorial on ski tuning. Captains’ Practices I am told that Captains’ Practices will be held at Lynnhurst Park from 4:30-6PM starting today. Here are the dates.
Sprongo This weekend, I sent an invitation through Sprongo to our new teammates to become members of the Minneapolis Alpine Ski Team Sprongo site. Sprongo is the video sharing service we use to host video clips of your skiing. The clips are only viewable by MAST skiers and families. A few of you already set up your personal account in Sprongo. Most of you have not. I will be sending an invitation again tonight just in case you deleted the first one. The invitation was sent to the email address that was requested and listed for the athlete in the SportsSignUp registration process. Please check that email account for the invitation to join Sprongo. If you are a returning MAST skier who does not have a Sprongo account set up for yourself, let me know and I will send you an invitation to join as well. Some Dos:
Two Do Nots:
Concussion Baseline Testing Here are the dates, times and locations for taking the concussion baseline tests before the season starts. Wednesday, October 30 @ Southwest and Washburn Option I: 3:15PM Option 2: 4:30PM Room: TBA Tuesday, November 5 at Southwest Option I: 3:15PM Option 2: 4:30PM Room: TBA Anyone who is new to MAST or who did not take the baseline test last year MUST take the test this year. I realize that these dates and times might conflict with Captains’ Practices, so you might have to miss one session. See the attached roster of athletes who took the test last year and do not need to take it this year. Everyone NOT on this list needs to take a concussion baseline test. MAST Parent Party and Race For The Golden Ski Sunday, November 10th from 3:00-6:00. Race for the coveted 'Golden Ski' is at 5:00 We'll have chili and all the fixins, cocoa, beer, wine, cider, and sodas.
Season Pass Picture Night and Pick Up All MAST athletes should come to Hyland on Monday, November 11 between 6:30 and 7:30PM to pick up your Hyland Season Pass. If you are under 18 years of age, you need to have your parents sign the attached Three Rivers Park District Waiver. If your parents are attending this event, they can sign it at Hyland. But if you are coming on your own or with a different family, please download, print, and have your parents sign this waiver and bring it with you. Dryland Official practices begin on Tuesday, November 12, 4:30-6PM at Washburn HS. Dryland continues Monday-Friday until we get on snow at Hyland. Meanwhile: Get your equipment ready. Try on and wear your boots around the house (only on the carpet of course.). Sharpen and wax your skis. Get your ski clothes organized. Make sure you know where everything is. We could be skiing on very short notice. Hyland can fully cover its runs with snow in 48 hours once the temps stay below freezing for extended periods of time. Looking forward for the season to begin. Mark Conway 612-275-8392 Comments are closed.
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