Dear MAST Families:
For those who could not attend the MAST Parent Social on Sunday, I would like to bring you up to speed on a project that is in the works. As you know just from looking at me, I am not a spry young fellow anymore. It is time for me to transition out of the administrative duties required to keep MAST operating at a high level. I will be retiring from my current administrative role at the end of this season. I would like to stick around as a volunteer coach starting with the 2024-25 season, but only if the other coaches want me to do so. To facilitate a smooth transition and sustain a high quality program for our current athletes and the next generation of skiers, including my grandchildren (Roosevelt HS graduating classes of 2036, 2038, and 2042), I have been working with Bill Bray to develop a plan to hand off the administrative tasks that I have been doing for many years to small teams of MAST parents. These teams would be activated in full force for the 2024-25 season. However, our hope is to get these teams formed now so that folks can start to familiarize themselves with their roles during the current season while they are fresh in my brain. With this introduction, I will now turn the floor over to Bill Bray who has been extremely helpful in downloading and organizing all of the Post-It Notes that float around in my head 24 hours a day to create a plan for a smooth transition that will sustain alpine skiing as an athletic option for MPS students well into the future. Message from Bill Bray: Thank you so much! to all who signed up as volunteers during Parents Night to help support the administrative functions that Mark Conway has been handling by himself for many years. We are off to a great start! See the attached proposed “Org Chart”. We still have a need for more support, specifically in the areas of Registration/Program Admin, Equipment, and Finance. We also need some people to help continue the successful fundraising programs already in place (I’m told they don’t require much time since they are already developed). We also need 2 Core Members, one for MAST and one for Washburn, who can oversee the entire MAST program with Bill Bray who will represent Southwest. The roles aren’t officially needed until the 2024/25 Season, but we want to start downloading the contents of Mark’s brain this year (it’s at least a few terabytes) to make the transition smooth. If you are interested or just want to learn more about what is needed, send me, Bill Bray, a note at [email protected]. Thank you, Bill and Mark Comments are closed.
February 2025
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