MAST Update Week Two Sunday, November 20, 2022 Dear MAST Athletes, Parents, Coaches, Friends: What a great start to the season. Athletes and coaches, thank you for your attention, hard work, enthusiasm and energy. Captains: you did a fantastic job leading your pods this week through the workouts. We introduced a new element to dryland training: character skills training. Attached are three documents that you can download, review, and share with a parent, sibling, next door neighbor... man on the street.
Week Two Schedule Monday, Nov 21: Team Meeting via Google Meets from 7-8PM Dryland Training Cancelled. 7PM Team Meeting Instead. All athletes should have received an invitation in their MPS Email Inbox to join our virtual training on Monday. Here is a link: MAST Athlete Virtual Meeting Agenda:
Wednesday, Nov 23: On Snow Training at Hyland from 8:45-11:15AM Friday, Nov 25: On Snow Training at Hyland from 8:45-11:15AM Saturday, Nov 26: On Snow Training at Hyland from 8:45-11:15AM
Giants Ridge Camp Registration Is Now Open! Camp is back! Dec 19-22, 2022. This is a great opportunity to build your technical and tactical skills. Giants Ridge offers challenging terrain, long runs, and a beautiful and inspiring setting in the woods and lakes of the famed Iron Range of Minnesota. Bond with teammates. Learn how to tune skis. Take a risk and enter the MAST Talent Show. Analyze video daily with your coaches. Push yourself. Grow your confidence. Visit our website for detailed information about our 15th Annual (when-not-interrupted-by-COVID) Giants Ridge Camp and for a link to register. December 3 Supplemental Training Registration Is Now Open! We have scheduled SIX supplemental training session at Wild Mt this year. The first one is coming up quickly. Instead of skiing on 17-25 second courses, you will train on 35-45 second courses. Use your Saturday afternoons and evenings to build your skills, test your tactics, increase your confidence on the same race hill we ski for the Section IV Alpine Championships. For Information on Supplemental Training: Click HERE! To Register for the Dec 3, 22 Supplemental Training: Click HERE. State Your Race Intentions For December You can now state your race intentions for our two races in December: The Mpls Alpine Championships on Monday, Dec 12 and the Wild Mt Invitational on Friday, Dec 16. All MAST athletes are invited to race in the MPLS Alpine Championships on Monday, Dec 12. First run starts at 4:30PM. To make sure your name is on the run order for the MPLS Alpine Championships you will need to fill in a short form. We call this STATING YOUR RACE INTENTIONS. Varsity athletes also need to STATE YOUR RACE INTENTIONS for the Wild Mt Invitational on Friday, December 16. You will miss a full day of school, the last day of school before Winter Break. All MAST athletes are invited to state their race intentions, but we will only be able to bring three teams of boys and three team of girls—six athletes per team. The deadline for stating your race intentions for the Wild Mt Invitational is Friday, December 2. The deadline for stating your race intention for the Mpls Alpine Championships is Friday, December 9. State YOUR Race Intentions for the Mpls Alpine Championships on Monday, Dec 12, 2022 HERE! State YOUR Race Intentions for the Wild Mt Invitational on Friday, Dec 16, 2022 HERE! Parent Social on Sunday, December 4, 4-6PM at Dual Citizen Brewing The MAST Parent Social Returns. Why should the kids have all the fun? Join us for our parent social on December 4 from 4:00 to 6:00 at Dual Citizen Brewing, 725 Raymond Avenue in St. Paul. In addition to getting to know each other, there will be brewery tours, discounts and give aways. Following the event will be race day training for everyone who wants to learn about volunteer positions during a race. We look forward to seeing you there! -The MAST Board- Race Worker Training: Sunday, December 4 at 7PM (A Virtual MAST Training Opportunity For Caring and Loving Parents Who Want To Understand The Sport Of Slalom Racing and Perhaps, Volunteer As A Race Worker Someday!) The time has arrived to TRAIN PARENTS TO WORK THE RACES. Even if you don’t think you will ever work a race, you will most likely come watch your athlete race. So join us anyway. At least you will have a deeper appreciation for the sport your athlete is enjoying. Learn:
Athletes, I will see you Monday night at 7PM. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone. Mark Conway 612-275-8392
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