MAST Update Week ThreeSunday, November 27, 2022
Dear MAST Athletes, Parents, Coaches, Friends: Hyland opened on Tuesday with 100% of their runs open. This is the earliest in my lifetime that Hyland has been open fully this early in the season. We did not waste this opportunity. MAST was the only high school team to train this week. Four practices. Great turn out. We took advantage of the open terrain on the North Chair to focus on the first two fundamental skills: Balance and Athletic Stance AND Early Lower Leg Engagement. This week, we will continue to work on developing your balance and stance and your ability to use your lower legs to create edge angle from the transition to the fall line. We will also be working to your skill of using outside ski pressure (extension of the outside leg) and skiing with a disciplined upper body. Video demonstrations of the drills we will be using this week are uploaded to Sprongo: Week Three Drills to Build the Skills Please watch these clips. Study them. But also get your school homework done. If you have not yet set up your Sprongo account, please do so today. Remember, set up the account using your personal email. Week Three Schedule Monday, Nov 28. On Snow Training at Hyland (using the rope tow today!) 3:45-6:00PM. Pods 12/11. Lanes 5 & 6. 5:00-7:15PM. Pods 10/9. Lanes 5 & 6. Meet on TOP of south chair at 5PM. 6:30-8:45PM. Pods 8/7. Lanes 5 & 6. Meet on TOP of south chair at 6:30PM. TURN IN YOUR COFFEE/SALSA SALES ORDERS AND PAYMENT IN THE CHALET DURING PRACTICE. Tuesday, Nov 29. On Snow Training at Hyland (using the rope tow today!) 3:45-6:00PM. Pods 12/11. Lanes 5 & 6. 5:00-7:15PM. Pods 10/9. Lanes 5 & 6. Meet on TOP of south chair at 5PM. 6:30-8:45PM. Pods 8/7. Lanes 5 & 6. Meet on TOP of south chair at 6:30PM. TURN IN YOUR COFFEE/SALSA SALES ORDERS AND PAYMENT IN THE CHALET DURING PRACTICE. Wednesday, Nov 30. On Snow Training at Hyland 3:45-6:00PM. Pods 10/9. Lanes B & C. 5:00-7:15PM. Pods 11/7. Lanes B & C. 6:30-8:45PM. Pods 12/8. Lanes B & C. Thursday, Dec 1. On Snow Training at Hyland (using the rope tow today!) 3:45-6:00PM. Pods 12-9 Southwest and MAST. Lanes 6 & 7. 5:00-7:15PM. Pods 8/7. Lanes 6 & 7. 6:30-8:45PM. Pods 12-9 Washburn. Lanes 5 & 6. Friday, Dec 2. On Snow Training at Hyland (using the rope tow today!) 3:45-6:00PM. Pods 12-10. Lanes 4 & 5. 5:00-7:15PM. Pods 9-7. Lanes 4 & 5. Saturday, Dec 3. 1. On Snow Training at Hyland. 7:45AM -10:15AM. All Pods. Lanes 1 & 2. 2. Supplemental Training at Wild Mt. All Pods Invited. 2:30PM. Load Bus at Washburn HS. 10:30PM Return ETA at Washburn HS. Sunday, Dec 4. (TWO EVENTS FOR PARENTS!!!) 1. Parent Social 4:00-6:00PM At Dual Citizen Brewing, 725 Raymond Avenue in St. Paul. 2. Parent Race Worker Training (Virtual) 7:00-8:00PM Click Here For Link To Join Race Worker Training MAST Individual Fundraiser: Reminder! Our MAST Individual Fundraiser closes today. You can turn in your completed forms and payments on Monday and Tuesday this week in the chalet during practice. Do not give these forms or money to a coach. Please take time today to check to see that you have CAREFULLY and ACCURATELY completed your forms, that your sales numbers and payments match, that all checks are made out correctly, and that someone other than you can decipher your writing. Giants Ridge Camp Registration Is Now Open! Keep those camp registrations coming. We have 21 spots filled for girls and 28 for boys. We can take 35 girls and 35 boys. In truth, no one should be allowed to have as much fun as you will have at the 2022 Giants Ridge Camp. This is a great opportunity to build your technical and tactical skills on the steeper pitches and longer runs off the Helsinki lift. Visit our website for detailed information and a link to register: Last Call: December 3 Supplemental Training Registration! This practice session is designed to help you bring your much improved technical skills into a controlled-turn environment. The coaches will carefully guide you through our gate training progressions: stubby gates, paneled slalom, quick feet, turn shape drills, etc. To Register for the Dec 3 22 Supplemental Training: Click Here. Our Second Supplemental Training will be held on Saturday, December 10. Registration is now open! Click Here to Register for the Dec 10 22 Supplemental Training at Wild Mt. State Your Race Intentions Be sure to state your race intentions for our two races in December: The Mpls Alpine Championships on Monday, Dec 12 and the Wild Mt Invitational on Friday, Dec 16. All MAST athletes are invited to race in the MPLS Alpine Championships on Monday, Dec 12. First run starts at 4:30PM. Varsity athletes also need to STATE YOUR RACE INTENTIONS for the Wild Mt Invitational on Friday, December 16. You will miss a full day of school, the last day of school before Winter Break. All MAST athletes are invited to state their race intentions, but we will only be able to bring three teams of boys and three team of girls—six athletes per team. The deadline for stating your race intentions for the Wild Mt Invitational is Friday, December 2. The deadline for stating your race intention for the Mpls Alpine Championships is Friday, December 9. State YOUR Race Intentions for the Mpls Alpine Championships on Monday, Dec 12, 2022 HERE! State YOUR Race Intentions for the Wild Mt Invitational on Friday, Dec 16, 2022 HERE! Parent Social on Sunday, December 4 Parents: Don’t miss the Parent Social at Dual Citizen Brewing from 4-6PM. In addition to getting to meeting our wonderful parents, you can partake of brewery tours, discounts and give aways. Following the parent social, we will be holding the Parent Race Worker Training (Virtually). Parent Race Worker Training: Sunday, December 4 at 7PM Our first race will be on Monday, December 12. Starting in January, we have a very full race schedule. We need parents to volunteer to work the races. Join us for this informative, riveting, entertaining, and most useful training on Sunday evening. Our athletes will benefit because their races will be very well run. This year, we have opened the training up to the parents from the other teams in the Metro East Conference (Hill-Murray, St Thomas, Visitation, Hastings, Mahtomedi). Here is a link to join the RACE WORKER TRAINING at 7PM sharp (via ZOOM):Dec 4 Race Worker Training Link The training will take no longer than one hour. Athletes: Be sure to tune your skis. Sharp edges will be very necessary once the freezing temps set in. The recent thaw has put a lot of moisture in the snow which will now turn to ICE! Be Prepared. See you tomorrow. Mark Conway 612-275-8392 Comments are closed.
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