Good Day MAST Athletes, Coaches and Parents: A couple of announcements. 1. Team Snap AppWe have new Team Snap improvements: If you are new to Team Snap, you can go to and download the app. Use the e-mail address you assigned to yourself when you used to register with MAST. Parents can also download the Team Snap App and your athlete can add you to his or her team's notification settings if you aren’t already in there. For parents, the app makes it very easy to see the daily training and race schedule for your skier(s). Important: We are reorganizing Team Snap so that each skier will be on one of six teams (rather than 36 teams). Teams will be based on school and gender, so Southwest Boys Alpine Ski will be a team, Washburn Girls Alpine Ski another team, etc. You will be able to see everyone on your team in the Team Snap Roster, and all skiers on all teams will see the same schedule events. The schedule has been modified to show details for all daily training sessions. Coaches, if they choose, can more readily communicate with their team via Team Snap. We have migrated the teams today in Team Snap. You will want to look for your new team in the drop down menu at the top of the app. If not listed there, go to “See All Teams…” and it should be there. If you STILL can’t see your new team, delete the app completely and redownload. We found this should solve it. The previous teams based on Pod (Southwest Girls Pod 07, etc) will no longer be used, and we’ll try to delete these to clean up your app. For any questions or suggestions, you can contact Bill Bray at 507-301-7109 2. Athlete Weekly Goal Setting Worksheet At our retreat, we introduced you to a new MAST coach/athlete initiative: weekly goal setting. Attached is the MAST Week Four Training Goals Worksheet. You will see that we are focusing this week on developing the six fundamental skills of our wonderful sport. I have listed the technical skills that the coaches will be helping you develop in all six of the fundamental building blocks of technique. Refer back to this sheet before and after every practice. As we continue to work the drills--and as coaches continue to explain the purpose of the drills that they will be asking you to perform--the goals listed on the worksheet will become more clear. As you receive personal feedback from your coaches, you can then create goals specific to your needs under each of the six skill blocks. Add these goals to your worksheet where it says Athlete Goal(s) after every practice. I suggest that you print and carry this goal sheet with you. Make two copies. Keep one in your boot bag and one in your jacket pocket. Many copies: one in your boot bag, one in your jacket pocket, one by your bed, under the seat of your car, under the couch cushion in front of the tv, on your computer, on the refrigerator, over the kitchen sink, in the bathroom, on the ceiling over your bed... We will continue to use the many drills we have in our quiver to help you learn and/or perfect these movements and attain technical-skiing nirvana. See you soon. Mark ![]()
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February 2025
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