MAST Update Week 4
Tuesday, December 7, 2021 Dear MAST Athletes, Coaches and Parents: We are off to a great start. Nine training sessions in nine days. The coaches are seeing a lot of improvement. Keep working hard. Continue to embrace the drills we teach you. On Snow Training Continues This Week Hyland made a lot of snow over the last couple of days. The North end of the area will be open today. Sometime later this week we should be able to start using our assigned lanes. For now, we will ski all over the ski area. Continue to gather outside the chalet at the base of the center chair before practice. The coaches will figure out where to ski once we are gathered. I will let you know when to start bringing your shinguards. Tuesday through Thursday: Session 1: 3:30-5:45 Pods 12/11/10 Session 2: 5:00-7:15 Pods 10/9 Session 3: 6:30-8:45 Pods 8/7 Friday: Session 1: 3:30-5:45 Pods 12/11/10 Session 2: 5:00-7:15 Pods 9/8/7 Saturday: 8:45AM-11:15AM All Pods 2:30-10:30PM: Supplemental Training Supplemental Training #2 On Saturday, December 11, 2021 Wild Mt treated us very well on Saturday for our first Supplemental Training session. We set two courses on one of four runs that were open. Many of you are already registered for training on the 11th, so if you have not done so already and wish to join us, be sure to register as soon as possible. Once we fill the bus, I will have to close registration. The cost of each session is $60 and includes bus transportation and lift ticket. Bring a sack lunch to minimize time spent in the chalet. Bring a water bottle as well. CLICK HERE: SUPPLEMENTAL TRAINING REGISTRATION or Have You Stated Your Race Intentions For December 13 and 17 and January 28? See the attached spreadsheet listing the race intentions for Dec 13 at Hyland, Dec 17 for the Wild Invite and Jan 28 for the Afton Invite. If your name is not on these three lists, please state your intentions for these races by Friday, Dec. 10. RACE INTENTIONS. Sunday, December 12 4PM: Race Worker Training Our athletes work extremely hard in practice. On race day, they put the skills they have developed to the test. They deserve to experience a well-run race. A well-run race requires race volunteers. A lot of them. I would like all MAST parents to consider working a couple of races during the season. None of the roles are complicated, as long as you bundle up properly. On Sunday, Dec 12 at 4PM, we will hold an ORIENTATION AND TRAINING SESSION FOR RACE WORKERS via google-meets. Here is a link: I will also send an invitation to the email addresses of all parents. Hopefully this will allow you to enter the meeting smoothly. You can learn more about race day volunteering and the positions we need to fill on our website: Please join us at 4PM on Sunday. December 13th Hyland Race Our first race is one week from yesterday. The race will begin at 4:30PM. I will request an early release from school at 2:45 for all those entered in the race. Schools do not have storage space for skis and boot bags, so you will have to help your athlete figure out how to rendezvous with his/her gear after school. Athletes should gear up as quickly as possible and skate over to the North chair. Usually there are a couple of tables set up at the base of the hill between the Gilboa Competition Center and the lift. Stop at these tables to pick up your bib. Sprongo We finally were able to shoot some video on Saturday. The clips are posted to Sprongo. Please watch them and tag yourself if you know how to do this. Many of you do not have an account set up. I just re-sent invitations to those of you who have not set up an account. Please get this done. Use your PERSONAL email account to set up your account. Do NOT use your mps email account. The invitation likely went to your mpls email. Also, use your first and last name to identify your account. No nicknames. This will help coaches and others tag your videos. Finally, use a password that you are willing to share with family members who may want to watch your videos in their free time. They will need to access your account using your log-in information. Winter Break Training Camp at Giants Ridge We are planning to hold a three-day, two-night training camp at Giants Ridge on December 30, 31 and January 1. For those not attending camp, there will be training at Hyland Dec 30-Jan 1. I will send out detailed information regarding camp later today or tomorrow morning. Our number one concern is keeping our team healthy. This will require everyone’s cooperation and will also require some extra work on the part of parents and athletes. More to come soon. See you tonight on the hill. Mark [email protected] 612-275-8392 Comments are closed.
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