MAST Update #7 Monday, October 19, 2020 Dear MAST Athletes, Families, Coaches: A little snow today. Always a nice reminder of what is coming our way. I have six important topics to address today, but first, I want to thank everyone who participated in our First Annual MAST(ers) Golf Tournament last week. I had a lot of fun and hopefully you did as well. I especially thought it appropriate that we were golfing in high winds and dropping temps, proving once again that ski racers (and their parents) are resilient. Here is a note from Aaron Cherveny who organized this terrific event. Thank you Aaron for your terrific work. Hi All, Well, the first MASTers is in the books. The rain held off, but it seemed to get colder, windier and darker as the afternoon went on. Thanks to everyone who participated and helped raise funds for MAST. We learned a few things for next year (mainly, to have it a little earlier in the season for warmer weather and fewer leaves to lose balls in). Overall, an impressive batch of scores, but we had TWO foursomes come in a an impressive FOUR UNDER PAR! The planning committee (me) hadn’t planned for a tie, so we improvised and awarded the winning team with their Great Harvest gift card by coin flip. Here were the big winners: Best Score (tie):
Longest Drive: Michael Lavine Finally, a special thanks to our sponsors who generously donated prizes for the contest!
I. Registration Update To those who have registered with MAST for the 2020-21 season, welcome! If you have not registered yet, please do as soon as you are certain you can make a commitment. Attached is a roster of athletes who have registered as of today. If you have not registered, here is a link to get started: MAST Registration. If you missed our second webinar, “Orientation to Ski Racing and MAST”, you can view it online. Here is a link. Orientation to Ski Racing and MAST Webinar: I want to especially thank all of you who have made a donation to MAST as part of the registration process. Your gift is deeply appreciated. I give you my word that we be careful stewards of your donation for the benefit of all the athletes. Thank you. II. MAST Webinar #3: Fundraising Orientation and Rally Thursday, October 22, 7:00-8:00PM We are in the midst of two fundraisers: The Urban Ventures Coffee Sales and MinneSalsa Fundraisers. On Thursday, October 22 from 7-8PM, we will be hosting a Fundraising Webinar to give you more information about the products that you are being asked to sell this Fall and the processes we are using to capture your orders. Once again, we are asking you to log into the Webinar using your MPS Email Address. Here is a link to join: If you have provided us with your MPS email address, you will also be receiving an invitation to join the webinar via your MPS email account. Through the Urban Ventures Coffee Sales, athletes can raise money to help cover the cost of the team fees, the MPS activity fee, Supplemental Training, MAST Apparel, MAST Banquet and more. The MinneSalsa Fundraiser is a team fundraiser that raises money to cover the cost of coaching, equipment, racing and much more. By fundraising for the TEAM, you help MAST keep team fees low and the quality of our race program high. III. MAST Equipment Swap: Saturday, October 24, 2020 Location: 4800 Harriet Ave (across the street from Fuller Park) We are scheduled to hold the MAST Equipment Swap on Saturday. Due to the cold weather in the forecast for Saturday, we are going to shorten the swap hours. Our last appointment will be offered at 12:10PM. We would ask that you pick up any unsold equipment by 1PM. Attached is an appointment schedule. As you can see, the early appointment times have filled but plenty remain from 10:30am to 12:10pm. If you scheduled an appointment, PLEASE CHECK THIS ATTACHED SCHEDULE. I had to move a few of you up in the schedule so we can conclude the event by 1PM. Please call or email me if you need to change the time. If you would still like to make an appointment to look at skis or boots, please fill out the Swap Appointment Form HERE. Finally, we are very short of equipment, especially skis. Click HERE to see our Swap Equipment Inventory Page. If you are still planning on selling equipment at the Swap, please fill out the Equipment Sales Form AND Send A Photo Of The Item(s) You Wish To Sell To: [email protected]. IV. Community Swaps It appears that two equipment swaps are taken place this weekend. One is in Forest Lake and the other is in Duluth. Oct 23-25: Team Duluth Ski Swap, Duluth, MN Oct 23-24: Forest Lake Ski Swap, Forest Lake, MN V. MSHSL Update We are slowly getting guidance from the MN State High School League about the upcoming Alpine Season. The season opens on Nov 30 and concludes on February 27. This is a 13-week season. Should there be a Section Championship Series, it will be held the week of February 15th. Should there be a State Championship, it will be held on February 24. I personally do not see how they will hold a State Championship, but I guess we can always hope for the best. At least they haven’t declared that it won’t happen yet. VI. Hyland Season Pass Photo Night and Pass Pick Up MAST is scheduled to pick up season passes on Monday, November 9 from 6:30-8PM. Please set this date aside. In order to maintain social distancing, we will be assigning pick up times to each MAST family. For instance, last names ending in A-D will pick up their passes at 6:30PM. Last names ending in E-H will pick up their passes at 6:45PM. Stay tuned. If you still need to purchase a pass, please send payment of $455 via USPS to 4800 Harriet Ave, 55419 or drop off payment at the ski swap on Saturday. Make checks payable to Mpls Alpine. Do not drop off payment in my mailbox. Too many thefts these days. Thanks everyone. Hope to see you on the call Thursday night or at the Swap on Saturday. Mark Conway 612-275-8392 [email protected]
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