Thursday, September 7, 2023 Hello MAST Athletes, Parents, Friends, and Coaches: We had a great start to the season on Monday evening, cleaning the goat barn AND the poultry barn in record time. I want to extend a heartfelt word of thanks to all of you who came out to help. Best of all, you put in the hard work with smiles and enthusiasm and somehow made the steamy endeavor a great deal of fun. It was great to reconnect. Many of you told me how excited you are for the ski season to open and what you are doing to strengthen your body in preparation. That was really inspiring to hear. Again, THANK YOU! We have one date change to announce and a time change. Plus, I can give you the date of our end of season banquet so you can plan accordingly. SAVE THE DATES SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1 MAST Registration Opens Online! MONDAY, OCTOBER 2 at 7PM MAST Information Night for New Athletes and Families “Orientation to High School Ski Racing and MAST” Fuller Park, 48th and Grand Ave THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5 (moved from the 4th) 4th Annual MASTers GOLF TOURNAMENT Hiawatha Gold Course 4PM Shotgun Start (moved from a 3PM start) More Information and Sign Up Coming Soon! MONDAY, OCTOBER 9TH MAST Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser at Mr. Paul’s Supper Club Two Seatings: 6PM and 7:30PM We are excited to announce that Mr. Paul’s Supper Club Fundraiser for MAST is back! Set aside the evening of October 9th to enjoy the culinary delights and the festive setting of Mr. Paul’s Supper Club. Once again, our older athletes are invited to volunteer to work this event. You can sign up to work HERE: Mr. Paul’s Athlete Volunteer Work Sign Up. Ticketing information is coming soon! WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11TH MAST Equipment Day at Pierce Skate and Ski Equipment You are welcome to go to Pierce any day to purchase any new equipment you need for the season, but on Wednesday, October 11th, MAST coaches will be on hand to assist you and the Pierce staff with properly matching and fitting athletes with new gear. If you need new boots, be sure to make an appointment in advance by calling Pierce Skate and Ski directly. 952-884-1990. Again, you can make an appointment on October 11th when a MAST coach will be on hand to help, or any other day of the week starting now. Boot and ski models and sizes do sell out, so if you know that you will be buying new equipment this year, I suggest making the appointment for either October 11th or earlier. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26TH Winter Sports Registration Opens with Minneapolis Public Schools MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13TH Alpine Ski Season Officially Opens! Hyland Season Pass Photo Night, Pass Pick Up, and Team Meeting. 6-7:30PM at Hyland Hills. DECEMBER 18th-21st. Giants Ridge Camp! SUNDAY, MARCH 10, 5PM MAST BANQUET Southwest HS Finally, I was excited to hear that some athletes are already studying video on Sprongo. This “visualization” training is excellent. You should also utilize our website to access dozens of excellent instructional videos that you can find on the web. These can be found under the header Training and Racing, then click on Training, then click on Technique and Tactics and Mental Training. Here are links to get you there. Some of these videos are produced by the 1984 Olympic Giant Slalom Champion, Deb Armstrong. Her videos are incredibly informative and detailed. In addition to the ones listed on our website, you can go directly to Deb’s website to find many more. She produced some gems last year that are not yet on our website. That’s all for now! Our website is getting updated weekly so be sure to scroll around it regularly to stay informed. [email protected] Hope you are off to a great start to the academic year. Be inquisitive, study well, and do your best every day. Mark Conway 612-275-8392 Comments are closed.
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