Good Morning MAST Athletes, Coaches, and Families: I. Practice Today at 3:30 on Lanes 5, 6. We have practice today on lanes 5 and 6 (rope tow hopefully, but not guaranteed) from 3:30-5:30. Go directly to lanes 5 and 6 for warm ups today. II. Feb 19 and 26 Race Intentions Attached is an updated roster with stated race intentions for our last two regular season races on Feb 19 and Feb 26. Please make sure that you have stated your intentions for these last two races. If you already did this but your intentions have changed, go ahead and re-state your intentions. I can access when you stated your intention so I know which intention is most up to date. State Your Race Intentions Here III. Race Day Volunteering l want to say thank you to all of the parents who have worked our races this season. Our racing opportunities have been limited this season but we have still managed to deliver races that are well run, on time, and competitive because we have had a full slate of volunteers working every race. I want to thank Charlie Smith, Mike Isensee, Amy Hemer and Abbey Showalter-Loch for the new race day roles they filled this year: Chief Gate Judge, Gate Judge Prep Admin, Bib Admin, and Race Day Concierge. These roles have been so helpful that we are actually looking to add two new positions for our final two races: a JV Race Day Concierge and JV Chief Gate Judge. The Chief Gate Judge would lead the gate judge meeting before the JV race and would assign the gate judges to their gate stations before the first run. The JV Race Day Concierge would distribute lift tickets to workers and volunteer coaches, distribute bibs to the coaches to give to the athletes, and would direct volunteers to their assignments. And of course, we want to finish the season with two excellent races for our athletes. Parents, please sign up to work the last two races here: Race Volunteer Sign Up IV. Photos and Sprongo I need to thank Brien Spanier, Michelle Smith, Janna Fraboni, Tanyia Abel, and any other photographers who have been working their craft on the hill this season. The photos posted on our website are absolutely amazing. Thank you. If you haven't seen them, please take a look. You can download any photos by pressing "control-space bar". You can learn a lot about technique by studying your photos. Give it a try. MAST Photo Galleries Also, we have a lot of video posted on Sprongo. Sadly, several athletes still need to set up a Sprongo account. You should have received multiple invitations to do so by email. Athletes, please tag yourself. It is very helpful if you do this. Your coaches are very busy and don't have time to sift through all 90 clips of a race or practice session to find the athletes in their pod. If you can tag your runs, they will be able to find your videos easier, as will you. See you this afternoon. Mark
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