We are already in Week 11 of our season. Week 10 was a breakthrough week for many of our athletes. The hard work is paying dividends now. Athletes are starting to bring the strong technical skills they possess in their free skiing into the race course. They are utilizing better tactics. They are becoming accustomed to the higher speeds that good technique and tactics create for a racer.
I. Announcing a TEAM GOAL for WEEK 11 While everyone is working on their personal technical and tactical goals in week eleven, I want everyone to also focus on one TEAM goal this week: proper pole usage. I challenge all of you to MASTER the pole plant THIS WEEK. A quick review … The coaching staff has been drilling all of you to master the six fundamentals of ski racing technique. These six fundamental skills form a pyramid that lead to FAST SKI RACING. If a racer fails to develop one of these skills, improved racing performance is markedly hindered. What are the six fundamentals? Hopefully you have this memorized, but here they are:
I would like you to watch the video linked below of Marcel Hirscher at age 14. He is now the best male skier on the World Cup. At age 14, he possessed all six fundamentals of the pyramid and they are all on display in this video. The video includes both slalom and gs runs at The Topolino games in Italy. Watch and study his skiing in both disciplines. Utilize the like “gear box icon” in the lower right corner to run the video in slow-motion. Topolino is considered the Childrens’ World Championships. In particular, examine Marcel’s pole plant. Notice his hand/arm position: 10 o’clock and 2 o’clock; chest high; disciplined to help maintain balance; hands forward and outside elbows; elbows forward and outside shoulders. Notice the direction of his pole plant (down the fall line). Notice the timing of the pole plant (immediately following the gate clearing motion). I want you to have Marcel’s image firmly planted in your brain this week. Once you do, then begin to visualize yourself skiing the same way. It works. Try it. You can use this video to help you master any of the other fundamentals that might be your personal focus this week. Marcel Hirscher at 14 Years Old: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpR0VyCarmQ&feature=em-subs_digest-vrecs II.Cloquet Invitational Update—PLEASE READ AND ACT IF YOU/YOUR ATHLETE IS ATTENDING Attached is a list of MAST Athletes attending the Cloquet Invitational on Thursday, Jan 25th. If your name is NOT on this list and you would like to attend, email me today: [email protected] Thursday’s Schedule 6AM Bus Departs Washburn HS 8:30AM Lifts Open 9:15AM Inspection Opens 10AM 1st Run Starts 12:15PM 2nd Run Inspection Opens 1:15PM 2nd Run Starts 3PM? Awards in the Chalet (ASAP after the race) 6PM? Bus returns to Washburn? Spirit Mountain Waiver Attached is a Waiver that Spirit Mtn requires all parents to sign for children under age 18. Please print and sign this waiver for your athlete and turn it into me at practice this week. Athletes: if you are 18 years of age, you need to complete and sign the waiver. Meals Bring your own lunch or money for lunch. We will NOT stop for breakfast or dinner. So… eat breakfast before arriving to meet the bus or bring a breakfast on the bus. I suggest that you bring a couple of lunches or enough money to stayed properly nourished all day. I was at Spirit a few weeks ago and their menu selection is not as robust as it used to be, so I suggest bringing your own food as much as possible. Parents-- Race Workers Needed I am really excited for the opportunity to race in this meet. The northern schools race in invitationals on Thursdays during the winter. Each school appears to sponsor its own invitational, just like the NCAA ski teams do with their winter carnival circuit. It is nice to get invited to participate and it especially works great for us since our athletes are out of school. If the race goes well, I would like to earn another invitation for MAST to join one of these invites in the future. If we can provide a supply of race workers for this race on Thursday, there is a good chance we will get invited back next year. So... PARENTS: If there is anyway you can join us on Thursday and offer your help on the hill, I would be most grateful. I know they need course workers and gate judges. If you have not been trained as a gate judge, please know that this is something I can teach you the day of the race. I can also send you educational materials in advance. There may be other roles to fill but for now I know the race is in desperate need of gate judges and course workers. A FREE Spirit Mountain lift ticket is your reward. You can either drive yourself, car pool with other kind-hearted parents, or ride the bus. IF YOU CAN WORK THE RACE, PLEASE SEND ME AN EMAIL: [email protected] III.Hyland JV Race: Friday, January 26 MAST will support JV athletes who want to race in the JV race at Hyland on Friday, January 26. State Your Intentions Here: Jan 26 JV RACE Intentions 3:45PM: Inspection Opens 4:30PM: Race Start Time Please stay after the race to slip in the courses and help with tear down. IV. Welch Race vs Hastings, Northfield, and Rochester: Thursday, February 1 Our last DUAL MEET of the season is scheduled for Thursday, February 1 at Welch Village. This race is open to ALL MAST athletes. It will require an early release from school on the 1st. Transportation: If we have enough athletes to warrant two buses, one bus will depart from SW and the other from Washburn. I will request a 2PM early release for SW and Washburn students to meet the bus at 2:15 and a 1:45PM early release for South and Roosevelt students who will need to car pool to meet the bus at Washburn. State Your Welch Race Intentions HERE Many of you have already stated your intentions to race at Welch. If you have not stated your intentions, please do so by Wednesday, January 24th. I need to know YOUR intentions so that I have time to create run orders and plan transportation and the other race day logistics. Tentative Schedule: 2:15PM Load Buses at SW and Washburn 3:30PM Arrival 3:45PM Warm Ups 4:15PM Inspection Opens 5PM First Run Starts Meals Bring your own sack supper (recommended) or money to purchase a light supper. There will not be a lot of time to eat a meal which is why I recommend bringing a couple of sandwiches—you can eat them on the fly. V. Week 11 Schedule Monday, January 22 5:00-7:15PM Session I: Gate Training Lane 8 (Wear Rope Tow Gloves) 6:30PM Session II: Directed Free Skiing South Chair 7:15-8:45PM Gate Training Lanes 7 and 8 (Wear Rope Tow Gloves) Tuesday, January 23 6:30PM Directed Free Skiing South Chair 7:15-8:45PM Gate Training Lanes 7 and 8 (Wear Rope Tow Gloves) Wednesday, January 24 *5:00-6:30PM Gate Training Lane 1 FOR Cloquet Invite Athletes Only 6:30PM-8:45PM Gate Training Lanes 1 *If you are skiing at Spirit on Thursday, you may attend the 5PM training session until 6:30 at which point you need to head home, tune your skis, pack your lunch and go to bed. Thursday, January 25 6AM-6PM Cloquet Invitational at Spirit Mountain 9:15AM-Noon Gate Training Lanes A and B Friday, January 26 9:15AM-Noon Gate Training Lanes 1, 2 and 3 3:45PM Hyland JV RACE Saturday, January 27 7:45AM-10:30AM Gate Training Lanes 4, 5, and 6 That’s all folks…. Keep working hard everyone. You are getting better every week. Mark 612-275-8392 Comments are closed.
February 2025
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