MAST Update Week 3.2 Wednesday, November 29, 2023 Good Evening MAST Athletes, Parents and Coaches: Hyland sent out our lane assignments this week, which enabled me to assign training times to our pods. We received more lanes at 3:45 than at the 5:30 and 7:15 time slots. Since our Juniors and Seniors (pods 11 and 12) are very large, I am assigning them to the earlier practice time, abandoning my desire to give them one later time slot a week. There are too many of them to only give them one lane for training. Training times for Pods 7-10 jump around a bit more, so please pay careful attention to their schedule. Please do everything you can do to attend your pod's assigned training session. If you have no other choice but to attend a different practice from the one you are assigned, please text or email your head coach for permission. Detailed below is the on-snow training schedule for Friday and Saturday. For both days, meet outside the chalet in front of the center chairlift at the announced practice start time. You do not need your shin guards. Friday 3:45-6:00PM: Pods 10,11,12 5:00-7:15PM: Pods 7,8,9 Saturday 8:45-11:15AM: All Pods Saturday Supplemental Training 2:30-10:30PM at Wild Mt Click Here To Register: Dec 2 Supplemental Training Registration Giants Ridge Camp Registration update: there are roughly four spots open for girls and one for boys. To Register For GR Camp, Click Here: 2023 GR Camp Registration If you want to watch some of the drills we will be doing on Friday and Saturday, go to the "Skills To Build the Skills" document in our Athlete and Coaches google drive folder and watch the drills listed below that you can find under "Balance and Stance", "Outside Ski To Outside Ski", and "Early Lower Leg Engagement", and "Pole Usage". Here is a link: VIDEO LINK TO SKILLS TO BUILD THE SKILLS
Thank you athletes and coaches for the hard work you put in these past two and a half weeks at dry land training. I saw a lot of improved foot work and movement patterns. I suspect that many of you are in better condition than you were on November 13th. Now we ski. See you Friday. Mark Conway 612-275-8392
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