Dear MAST Families:
I see from Instagram that many of you are skiing out West somewhere. Okay, I'm just a lot jealous. Have fun. Stay safe. Stay away from tree wells, cliffs and snowboarders. Continue to work on your skills using the mountain as your coach. Teach your folks and younger siblings some of the skills you learned this year. And don't get a ticket in the slow skiing zones. Two quick messages. 1. Banquet Date Change We are moving the date and time of our banquet. Please note the change. MAST Banquet NEW Date: Friday, April 30 NEW Time: 7-10PM Location: The ROC in St. Louis Park No food. Just a program. You are invited to bring your own chair. We will be asking people to pre-register and we will be charging a modest fee to attend to defray the costs. More to come. 2. Gratitude Survey The responses to the MAST Gratitude Survey have been wonderful. If you have not completed the survey, there is still time. The purpose of the survey is to fight back against all that has disrupted our year by reflecting on, and collecting, all that remains for which we can be thankful. For me, the ski season that concluded is a big source of gratitude for me. Spending six days a week on snow with our wonderful 7th and 8th graders not only gave me energy but restored my sense of hope. Watching them work so hard to master a drill or learn how to shin a gate or make a new friend were great sources of joy. Here is a link to the survey if you haven't taken it yet: MAST Gratitude Survey Enjoy your break. Stay safe. Mark Conway 612-275-8392 Comments are closed.
September 2024
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