Good Evening MAST Athletes, Parents and Coaches:
Hope your Holiday was fantastic. A quick update: 1. The Temps Are Cold This Week... But Nothing Like The Old Days! Be sure to dress with LOTS of layers. Bring a face mask. Mittens are warmer than gloves. Everyone should wear their snow pants this week. You need to keep your legs warm. 2. Training all week.... Starting at 7:45AM Tuesday morning. Tuesday, December 26, 2017 7:45-10:30AM -- On Snow Training @ Hyland Lanes B, C 5:00-7:30PM -- Alumni Race @ Hyland Wednesday, December 27, 2017 7:45-10:30AM -- On Snow Training @ Hyland (Lanes 6 and 7-- wear rope tow gloves). 2:45PM-10:30PM -- Supplemental Training at Welch -- Thursday, December 28, 2017 -- Race Vs Jefferson, AHA, MoundWestTonka 3:30PM Inspection 4:30PM 1st Run Starts Friday, December 29, 2017 7:45-10:30AM -- On Snow Training @ Hyland (Lanes A, B, C) Saturday, December 30, 2017 7:45-10:30AM -- On Snow Training @ Hyland (Lanes 3,4, 5--Bring Rope Tow Gloves) Monday, January 1, 2018 7:45-10:30AM -- On Snow Training @ Hyland (Lanes 1,2,3) 3. Supplemental Training at Welch Village on Wednesday. 2:45-10:30PM Test and hone your skills on the steeper pitches and longer runs available at Welch. Registration is still open for our Supplemental Training at Welch on Wednesday. Sign up here: See you all Bright and Early. Mark Dear MAST Athletes, Parents and Coaches:
I apologize for getting this update out so late, but it was a busy weekend for me with some long days at USSA races. I was too exhausted last night when I got home to think clearly, so I had to wait until tonight to get all this ready for you. Not sure I am thinking any more clearly now, but here goes.... Tomorrow, we race. This first race is against…ourselves… and will serve as a time trial to determine team selections for the Wild Mountain Invitational on Friday, December 22. For our new racers, this is a great way to learn how a race runs and what we do to prepare ourselves on race day to perform at our best. For our returning athletes, it is a great opportunity to test out your improved fundamentals in a competition environment. Here is how it will work.
Washburn and South/Roosevelt Girls: Coach Matthew Southwest Boys and South/Roosevelt Boys: Coach Joel Southwest Girls: Coach Daniel H. If you know you will NOT be racing tomorrow, please send me an email at [email protected]. Race workers: Parents, if you would like to help with the race, please send me an email and I will plug you into a job. Love to have the help if you are interested and willing. [email protected] Wild Mountain Invitational The Wild Mountain Invitational is THIS Friday, December 22. Unfortunately, not everyone gets to race in this one. We are entering teams of six boys and six girls from Washburn and Southwest, plus one alternate for each team. We are also entering a team of six boys from South/Roosevelt. The coaches will make final team selections after tomorrow’s race. I will need to send a run order to the Chief of Race immediately following our race tomorrow. So, I need to know that you are able to attend the Wild Mt Invitational on Friday, December 22 IF SELECTED. Please State Your Intentions Here: Wild Mt Invitational Race Intentions. Transportation We have a bus chartered to bring us to the race but we will be asking parents to car pool and bring athletes home afterwards. No bus for the return. The schedule for the day begins early. 6:10AM Load bus at Washburn. 8:00AM Warm Ups, Course Inspection, Opening Ceremonies. 9:30AM First run start. 1:15PM Second run start 4:00PM Awards Ceremony Food We try to feed all athletes, coaches, and parents well on these long race days, but we need food contributions from everyone who is attending. Once you know that you are invited (after the race tomorrow) please sign up to bring something to share here: Wild Invite Food. Welch Village Supplemental Training The Next Supplemental Training Session in Wednesday, December 27 at Welch Village. We will depart from Washburn HS at 2:45PM and return at approximately 10:30PM. This is a great opportunity to train on steeper and longer pitches. Sign Up Here: Here is the schedule for Week Six: Monday, December 18, 6:30-8:45PM -- RACE: MINNEAPOLIS CITY CHAMPIONSHIPS 6:15PM Bib Distribution 6:30PM Warm Up with Team and Coaches on South Chair 7:15PM Course Inspection 7:35PM Run 1 8:05PM Run 2 8:35PM Hill Clean Up Tuesday, December 19, 5-7:30PM(Varsity) and 6:30-8:45PM(Junior Varsity) 5:00PM Varsity: Warm Up and Gate Training on Lanes 3. 6:30PM JV: Direct Free Skiing on South Chair for JV 7:15PM JV: Gate Training on Lanes 4 and 5 for JV. Wednesday, December 20, 6:30-8:45PM 6:30PM Varsity/JV: Directed Free Skiing on South Chair. 7:15PM Gate Training on Lanes A, B, and C. Thursday, December 21, 5:00-7:30PM 5:00PM Varsity/JV: Warm Up and Gate Training on Lanes 7 & 8 (wear rope tow gloves). Friday, December 22, Wild Mountain Invitational—NO TRAINING. Saturday, December 23, 7:45-10:30AM 7:45AM Varsity/JV: Warm Up and Gate Training on Lanes A, B, and C . See you tomorrow evening. The earlier you arrive, the better. Mark 612-275-8392 December 10 Update: Schedule, Supplemental Training, Giants Ridge, Welch Invite, and Sprongo12/30/2017
Dear MAST Athletes, Parents and Coaches:
Last night, we held our 16th on-snow training session of the season. We have packed in a lot of skiing into the first four weeks of the year, especially considering that we held six dryland training sessions as well. For this reason, I need to express my deep gratitude to all the coaches who have given so many hours on the hill to our athletes. None of this could happen without your generous commitment of time, enthusiasm and expertise. Thank you. We are now in gates, so please bring your protective gear to practice every day. Here is the schedule for Week Five: Monday, December 11, 6:30-8:45PM 6:30PM Varsity/JV: Meet on South Chair for Directed Free Skiing 7:15PM Varsity/JV: Move to Lanes 1, 2 and 3 for Gate Training. Tuesday, December 12, 5-7:30PM(Varsity) and 6:30-8:45PM(Junior Varsity) 5:00PM Varsity: Warm Up and Gate Training on Lanes 4 and 5. 6:30PM JV: Direct Free Skiing on South Chair for JV 7:15PM JV: Gate Training on Lane 5 for JV Wednesday, December 13, 5:00-7:30PM 5:00PM Varsity/JV: Warm Up and Gate Training on Lanes 3 and 4. Thursday, December 14, 6:30-8:45PM 6:30-8:45PM Varsity/JV: Meet on South Chair for Directed Free Skiing 7:15PM Varsity/JV: Move to Lane C for Gate Training. Friday, December 15, 5:00-7:30PM 5:00PM Varsity/JV: Warm Up and Gate Training on Lanes 2, 3 and 4. Saturday, December 16, 7:45-10:30AM 7:45AM Varsity/JV: Warm Up and Gate Training on Lanes 1, 2 and 3. Welch Village Supplemental Training The Next Supplemental Training Session in Wednesday, December 27 at Welch Village. We will depart from Washburn HS at 2:45PM and return at approximately 10:30PM. This is a great opportunity to train on steeper and longer pitches. Sign Up Here: Last Call For Giants Ridge Camp Registrations… The deadline for registering for the Giants Ridge Camp is Friday, December 15 (this week). If you still plan to attend, here is a link to register: Giants Ridge Camp. REMINDER: Welch Invitational Race Intentions Needed There are about 30 of you who have not stated your intentions for the Welch Invitational. Attached is a list of athletes who HAVE RESPONDED. I want to encourage you to race. The race features separate races for Junior Varsity and Varsity teams, but all race runs are held on the same hill so everyone can watch and cheer everyone else. It is a festive event. I hope you will attend. Please state your race intentions for the Welch Invite Here: Welch Invite Race Intentions. Sprongo Most of you have created a Sprongo account now and hopefully are watching video of yourself and your teammates. If you find video of yourself that is not yet tagged to you, please do so. And if you watch a video of a teammate that is not yet tagged, feel free to TAG that person as well. It helps out the coaches when you do the tagging. Also, be sure to use all the cool analysis tools available like slow motion, side by side comparison, and overlays. If you would like a coach to look at video with you before or after a practice, download your latest run to your phone and then ask us to look at it with you. We are happy to take the time, but you need to ask. Sprongo also has an app you can download to your phone. You probably can figure out how to do this yourself, but if you have any questions, reach out to a teammate. Luke and Willem are experts. They are happy to help with your tech questions. See you tomorrow evening. Mark 612-275-8392 What a great start to the season. We are on snow earlier than we have ever been, which allows us to focus carefully on mastering the fundamentals of our sport. I want to thank all the coaches who have made it possible for us to effectively coach so many athletes on the hill every night. I am so grateful to each one of you. Athletes, you have done a great job staying focused on performing the drills we teach you with precision. Keep up the good work. Your positive attitudes and effort are paying off. We are seeing rapid improvements in your skiing. In fact, from the bottom of the hill we can identify our skiers by their FANTASTIC FUNDAMENTALS. Just a word of encouragement to all: show up as often as you can. Each night we introduce new drills. Each new drill teaches a new fundamental skill. If you miss multiple days in a row, you will miss some important steps in the learning progression.
City Kids Java Fundraiser Thank you to Kelly Bent and Christine Smalley for running a terrific fundraiser for our athletes. They have already calculated everyone’s earnings from this fundraiser. The money you raised will be credited into your Sports Illustrated Play account in the next day or two. You can then use that money to pay for Giants Ridge or Supplemental Training Sessions or save it up for next year. The City Kids Java Fundraiser COFFEE PICK UP is scheduled for Saturday, Dec 2 from Noon to 1PM at Fuller Park (48th and Grand Ave South). Remember, you are responsible for picking up and delivering the coffee you sold. New Times for Dec 2 Supplemental Training at Welch Village 1PM Load Bus at Washburn 2:30-3PM Video Session/Meeting in the Chalet 3-7PM Directed Free Skiing Drills 7:15PM Bus Depart for Washburn 8:15PM Estimated Time of Arrival to Washburn. Due to the warm weather, Welch has limited terrain available for skiing and not enough snow to allow us to set courses this weekend. They are also adjusting the hours that they are open from 9am-9pm to 10am-7pm. So…. We are still planning on holding a Supplemental Training at Welch, but instead of skiing gates we will free ski. It will be very valuable to work the drills on longer runs and more interesting terrain. If you have already signed up for Supplemental Training and no longer wish to attend either because of the time change or because you don’t want to spend four hours working the drills, send me an email and I will credit your account. However, I hope you will still join us. This will be just as valuable as skiing gates. One other note: Bring a BAG LUNCH/SUPPER. We are skiing intensely for all four hours. Maybe we will let you take a 5-minute break to use the bathroom and get a drink of water. No purchases in the cafeteria allowed. We want to use every available minute to ski. You can eat a bag lunch during video, on the chairlift, or on the bus ride home. Other Supplemental Training dates:
Giants Ridge Camp Our annual Giants Ridge Camp will be held on January 2-5, 2018. Keep those registrations coming. To learn more about camp, click here: To register for Camp, click here: Please note the registration deadline of December 15th. Sprongo We have been shooting video at practice and those clips are loaded on the MAST video sharing sight called SPRONGO. Some of you have already set up your Sprongo account, which allows the coaches and athletes to “tag” your clip to your account. If you have not set up your Sprong account, please do that today. Look through your emails for an invitation from Sprongo to become a member of the MAST Sprongo account. Accept that invitation and create an account for yourself using your(the athlete’s) name. If you can’t find your invitation, request one by clicking here: MAST Apparel MAST Apparel is FOR SALE through the end of the day TOMORROW, DECEMBER 1. You can see a picture of every item and make your purchase online here: MAST Apparel Sale. Note: Log In using your email and password. Then scroll down to the button that says SHOP. REMINDER: Welch Invitational Race Intentions Needed Please state your race intentions for the Welch Invite here: Welch Invite Race Intentions. Saturday, Dec 2 Hyland Training Alert There is A CHANCE that we will cancel training at Hyland. As of today, Hyland is not planning to open early at 8am because the race training lanes are not yet open so no one can set gates. I have requested that they open at 8am nonetheless so we can get some skiing in before the crowds arrive at 9am. I am waiting to hear back from management. If they open at 9am, the reality is that it will very quickly become too dangerous for us to work our drills on the limited terrain available for skiing. Lessons begin on Saturday and over 200 lessons are scheduled every 90 minutes starting at 9am. Yikes. If they open at 8am for the high schools, we will ski from 8am-10am. Keep checking your email for updates and your ical/google calendar. Training Schedule Please consult our website for the latest information on the training schedule. Here is a link: See you at practice this evening from 6:30-8:45PM. Mark 612-275-8392 Happy Thanksgiving! On Monday, we enter WEEK THREE of the season. It is time to GET ORGANIZED for upcoming training sessions, camps, races, fundraising efforts, and team apparel offers.
I need you to read this email VERY CAREFULLY and respond in multiple ways and places. City Kids Java Fundraiser Orders and checks for City Kids Java Fundraiser are due THIS Monday, November 27th. Please bring order forms and money to practice or email to [email protected]. Supplemental Training The first Supplemental Training session is scheduled for Saturday, Dec 2 at Welch Village. Click HERE To Register. Cost is $45 for lift ticket and bus. If you have a season pass to Welch, the cost is $20. Bring a bag supper or money to purchase food in the chalet. Meet the bus at 2:45PM at Washburn. The bus returns at approximately 10:30PM. Additional Supplemental Training sessions are scheduled for the following dates:
Giants Ridge Camp REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN for the 12th Annual Giants Ridge Camp, January 2-5, 2018. These camps provide athletes with a terrific opportunity to improve, build friendships, and enjoy the beauty of Northern Minnesota. Please know, however, that this is a training camp. We work hard AND have a lot of fun in the process. To learn more about the Giants Ridge Camp and for a link to GR Camp Registration, please click here: Giants Ridge Camp. Please note the registration deadline of December 15th. We do plan to hold training from 6:30-8:45PM at Hyland from January 2-4th for those athletes who cannot attend the Giants Ridge Camp. Sprongo The coaches will start videotaping your training runs on Friday. All new athletes should look for an invitation from Sprongo to become a member of the MAST Sprongo account. Please accept the invitation. BE SURE TO USE YOUR (the athlete's) FIRST AND LAST NAME WHEN REGISTERING. This will allow you, the coaches and your teammates to easily “tag” the video to you. Do not use nicknames to create an account. MAST Apparel MAST Apparel is FOR SALE through the end of the day on December 1, 2017-- just over a week away. The captains have put together another wonderful selection of MAST “stuff” this year…. hats, caps, pajamas, under-layers, pullovers, t-shirts, jackets, warm ups and more. You can see a picture of every item and make your purchase online here: MAST Apparel Sale. Welch Invitational-Please State Your Race Intentions NOW! All MAST athletes are INVITED to race in the Welch Invitational on Friday, January 12. MAST has reserved 68 start positions for the race. The Invite is a day-long event. You will miss school. I would like to ask EVERYONE to either ACCEPT or DECLINE this invitation to race in the Welch Invite.
Please STATE YOUR INTENTIONS HERE: Welch Invite Race Intentions. Training Schedule Please consult the home page for the latest information on the training schedule. Finally, I want to say GREAT WORK to all the athletes who have been attending dryland. We worked you pretty hard and you met the challenge. Thank you to the coaches as well. It sure was fun to finally get the season started. Tune your skis. Get rested up. Organize your gear. We are skiing bright and early (8:45AM) on Friday. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration. Mark 612-275-8392 [email protected] Dear MAST Athletes, Parents and Coaches:
And the season opens! Finally. Hyland Season Pass Photo Night: Tonight (Monday, Nov 13) at 7PM. If you have not picked up your Hyland Season Pass, tonight is a good night to get this done. We are the only people getting passes so it will go very quickly. Be sure to bring a parent or bring a signed WAIVER (see attached document). We will also ask you to check in with our data-analytics department to check the accuracy of the information we have on you and your caregivers. And… there will be information on Apparel Sales and Fundraising. You will be able to park in the Hyland parking lot. If you are new, please scope out the Normandale Parking Lot immediately south of the ski jump on Chalet Road. Take note of the Hyland Shuttle Pick Up/Drop Off Locations. This will be the easiest place to drop and pick up athletes once we start skiing. If you already picked up your pass, you do not need to attend tonight's festive gathering at Hyland. See you tomorrow at drylands. NEW Hyland Ticketing Practice Hyland is requiring all athletes and coaches to have a lift ticket when skiing. The new practice is long overdue. Too many people for too many years have been skiing without a ticket or season pass. Those days are over. When we arrive at Hyland, we all need to stop at the ticket window and show our pass and receive a lift ticket for the day. So… always bring your pass to Hyland. You won’t be able to ski without a lift ticket this year. Athletes CLEARED To Play You received via email a roster of athletes and a record of who is cleared to participate. Even if you are 100% confident you are cleared, please open this document and see that you are cleared. Many Southwest students are NOT cleared even though they turned in all the forms. Some are missing just a signature on one of the forms; others are missing more. Please check with your Athletic Director if you are not fully CLEARED. Dryland Schedule It appears we will have the shortest dryland season in our esteemed history. Just because it is short doesn’t mean it isn’t important so we expect everyone to show up. Please wear layers of clothing and athletic shoes. Bring: hats, jackets, gloves, and water. If it is not raining, meet in the stadium. If it is raining, meet in the cafeteria. Enter Door 5.
I spoke with Hyland management yesterday. They are closed this week Monday-Thursday. They hope to re-open Friday or Saturday. So, if they open this weekend, we will ski. Time to be announced so stay tuned in to your email. We are cancelling the MAST retreat this weekend in order to ski. Hyland will be closed again next week but the plan is to re-open Friday after Thanksgiving. We will ski Friday and Saturday. Time: TBD. Supplemental Training We hope to offer Supplemental Training on Nov 26, Dec 2 and 9. Look for a separate email in the days ahead with registration instructions. For planning purposes, we would leave the Washburn Parking Lot a bit before 3PM and return around 10 or 10:30. Cost: $45 for bus and lift ticket. Giants Ridge Camp I will be sending out information about the Giants Ridge Camp this week. The camp is scheduled Jan 2-5. Four days of skiing; three nights lodging; coach bus transportation; meals included (except for breakfast on the 2nd and dinner on the 5th). Welch Village Invitational The Welch Invite is scheduled on Friday, January 12, ALL DAY. Because the 12th is a school day, the athletes will need to miss a day of school to participate. This is an excused absence but everyone needs to make up the work they miss. I have reserved enough start positions so far to bring 68 athletes to the race. I am willing to bring everyone. However, I don’t want to pay for starts that we don’t end up using. Each start position costs MAST $40. So, I am going to need an accurate and steady commitment from athletes. In the next week, I am going to send a link to you to either ACCEPT or DECLINE the invitation to race in the Welch Invite. If you accept the invitation to race, you will need to make sure that you can attend the race once the date arrives. Please don’t let me know on Jan. 11th that you will be unable to race because you forgot you have a test on the 12th. Advance planning is critical here. So… your task this week is to look at your school schedule and all the other commitments you have (including family) and see if you are free to race on Jan 12 (and miss school). When I send out the Welch Race Sign Up link, you will already know whether you can ACCEPT the invitation to race or need to DECLINE. See you tonight. Mark 612-275-8392 |
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