MAST UPDATE #4 Friday, September 30, 2022 Good Evening MAST Families: Well, your coach pulled a good one today. He wrote a brilliant-poetic-memorable-enlightened MAST Update #4 in google-groups today. Then, thinking he had pressed “post”, he closed the screen, feeling confident that THIS would be the prose that would finally bring the Pulitzer to Minnesota. But guess what? He didn’t press “post” and in google-groups if you close out the screen anything you typed is lost. Gone. Disappeared. Sentenced to whatever purgatory unposted works of art are vanquished. Apparently. So, you were not the happy recipient of Update #4 this afternoon. So now, here I am, writing you late at night, trying to recall exactly what I had so proudly thought I had sent to you, while you, hopefully, are sleeping soundly. Here goes. Five Announcements Registration Opens at Midnight tonight! But please don’t stay up to register. There is plenty of time to do so over the weekend and thereafter. Attached are instructions for registering for MAST. Please read these instructions carefully before you register. It will make your life much easier. You can also find these instructions on our website right HERE: MASTRegistration 2022. The Orientation to High School Ski Racing and the Minneapolis Alpine Ski Team is now available for viewing on the homepage on our website. It is narrated. This is the same presentation I gave Monday evening, but it runs less than half the time that it took in-person. If all goes as planned, you should be able to click on the slideshow and the slideshow should start and advance automatically. You can even enlarge the slideshow to fill your screen. The other benefit of knowing how to access this slideshow: it will cure the most stubborn case of insomnia. Just play the slideshow, cover the screen with a dark dishtowel, close your eyes, and you will be fast asleep by the third slide. Here is a link: Mark’s narrated power point presentation guaranteed to both inform you and cure insomnia. HINT: If you click on the three vertical dots you will be able to download the presentation, pause it, and mute it. Tickets for the MAST Pasta Dinner Fundraiser at Mr. Paul’s Supper Club on Monday, October 10, 2022, are selling well. The 7PM Seating is nearly filled, and the 5:30PM Seating is about halfway filled. I want everyone to know that Mr. Paul’s is DONATING all the food and employee labor. This means that MAST will receive all of the money raised from ticket sales. This fundraiser is an incredibly generous gift to MAST from Mr. Paul’s Supper Club. So, let’s sell out this event! And be sure to thank everyone working that night. Purchase Tickets HERE! The Pierce Equipment Day is Wednesday, October 5. I will be in the shop all day and evening, whenever a MAST athlete is scheduled for an appointment. To make an appointment, call 952-884-1990. Finally, we had a fantastic fundraiser yesterday at Hiawatha Golf Course. Thank you to EVERYONE who participated and EVERYONE who had anything to do with organizing this event. A special thanks to Allison Krueger who put in countless hours making this event so successful on so many levels. Lost Club Is Found: And I need to announce to the gentleman whose golf club ran away yesterday afternoon that his club has been found. Please contact me and I will put you in touch with the fine gentleman who currently is housing your club. A picture of the club is attached. Well, I think that’s all I had to say in the original Update #4. Hope you are resting peacefully as this comes across the wires. Have a wonderful weekend! And now I am going to click on the button that says "Post message." Mark Conway 612-275-8392 [email protected] ![]()
Good Afternoon:
My Dark Sky weather app is forecasting a high of 66 for 4PM on Thursday, with wind speeds of 13 mph and gusts of 18, low humidity, and partly sunny skies. A perfect Fall afternoon for nine holes of golf, wouldn't you say?! We are looking for a few more folks to play in our very low key, amateur, MASTers Golf fundraiser. If you have ever read the children's book Go, Dog. Go!, the shotgun start of our golf outing will remind you of the scene when all the dogs zoom off in their little cars to go to the dog party in the giant tree top (oops, I just gave away the ending). I digress. We could use more players, so go right now to the basement or garage and find your clubs. Stretch out your shoulders and sign up to join the fun. Here is a link with all the details. And we can use a few more raffle prizes and auction items as well. A big THANK YOU to Allison Krueger, Aaron Cherveny, Matt McConville and all those who have been working hard on this fundraiser and have donated prizes. And thank you to all of our participants. See you in just over 48 hours. Mark MAST Athletes!
Let's get the word out and continue to sell tickets to Mr. Paul's Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser. Start selling to neighbors, relatives, teachers, friends, and anyone else interested in dining at one of the Twin Cities hottest new restaurants. PURCHASE TICKETS HERE (new Square Checkout) DATE: Monday, October 10th LOCATION: Mr. Paul's Supper Club 50th & France 3917 Market Street Edina, MN 55424 SEATINGS: 5:30pm & 7:00pm TICKETS: $25 for Adults & $15 for Kids Under 12 (Paid in Advance) FOOD: Buffet Style Pasta (with a gluten free option), vegetarian red sauce, meatballs, salad, bread, dessert DRINK: Wine and Beer tickets available for $10 at the event HOSTED BY: Ehlers/Bagnaud Family (Owners & MAST parents) PARKING: Free parking in ramp across the street QUESTIONS? Contact Matt McConville at 612-802-9560 or [email protected] Good Afternoon MAST Athletes, Parents, Coaches, and Supporters:
One correction to make regarding yesterday's messaging: MPS Registration for winter sports does not open until October 14. I left the start gate early. MAST registration will still open October 1. So Step One is now Step Two and Step Two is now Step One. This gives you time to get your Physical Qualifying Exam Form completed and signed. Also, since I have your attention: It is Hyland Season Pass Purchase Time! Attached is a roster of athletes who purchased a 2022-23 Hyland Season Pass in the Spring. If your name is NOT on the roster, that means you did not purchase a pass through MAST in the Spring. And if you did not purchase one online directly from Three Rivers Park District in the Spring, you can purchase a season pass through MAST now through October 29th for $474. Why Purchase Through MAST? By purchasing through MAST, you avoid paying the state sales tax on the purchase. Then, on Monday, Nov 14, we meet at Hyland between 6 and 7PM and pick up our passes well before Hyland opens for business and we avoid the long lines to pick up season passes when the area opens for business. How? Mail a check in the amount of $474.00 to: Mpls Alpine Ski Team C/O Hope White 4945 Clinton Ave S Mpls, MN 55419 Now, you do not have to purchase the pass through MAST. You can buy the pass directly from Three Rivers Park District on their website. They also offer family pass if you want to get the entire family on snow. Always trying to be frugal with your money, Mark MAST UPDATE #3 Wednesday, September 21, 2022 Dear MAST Athletes, Parents and Coaches: First, THANK YOU to all 110 of you who helped clean the goat barn AND the poultry barn back on September 5th. Magnificent work. You dug right in. Focused. Smiles and no complaining. I am so proud of this team. Thank you to Matt McConville for his dedicated work managing each one of our State Fair Barn Cleaning efforts over the last year. Amazing dedication to our team! We have a ton of stuff coming up. Here is the rundown. I. Upcoming Fundraising Events The 3rd Annual MASTers Golf Tournament Thursday, September 29, 4PM Sharp Calling all avid golfers and hacks. Do not miss the chance to participate in the 3rd Annual MASTers Golf Tournament (see attached) to be held at 4PM on Thursday, September 29 at Hiawatha Golf Course. A flyer is attached and a link to register is posted below. Just a reminder that this is a causal round of scramble golf for fun, so all parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, alumni, coaches, and fans of MAST are welcome. MASTers Golf Tourney Information HERE MASTers Golf Tourney SIGN UP HERE We are also excited to be holding a raffle at the event for a chance to win incredible prizes. But we need YOU to help provide them—just make sure they’re incredible! Please donate any goods or services that you are certain others would want to receive. RAFFLE DONATIONS HERE MAST Pasta Dinner Fundraiser at Mr. Paul’s Supper Club Monday, October 10, Seating at 5:30PM and 7:00PM. Adult Ticket: $25 Child Ticket for children UNDER 12: $15. Click HERE For More Information and to Purchase Tickets. II. MAST Information Meeting and Registration Update Orientation to High School Ski Racing and MAST Monday, September 26, 7-8PM. Where: Fuller Park Rec Center, 4802 Grand Ave S. For: New Athletes and Parents, but also valuable for returning athletes and parents who might have missed this orientation last year. What: We will give you a fairly extensive education on high school ski racing and the what, how, who, why, when and where of all things related to MAST. For those who cannot attend in person, I will be posting a narrated slideshow of the presentation later that week on our website. Registering for Alpine Skiing: A Two Step Process Step One: Register with Minneapolis Public Schools Athletics. Step Two: Register with MAST Online. Registration with MAST will open October 1. I will send out very specific information next week about registering with MAST. You are welcome to complete Step One now. I have been told that the athletic directors want everyone to register online instead of submitting the paper forms. The only paper form that you can physically submit to your high school athletic director is a completed and signed Physical Qualifying Examination Form that is signed by a qualified health care professional, i.e., physician, nurse practitioner, etc. You can find this form attached. My understanding is that this form can also be uploaded to the account you create to register for MPS Athletics. More about the Physical Qualifying Examination Form: once submitted and filed with your AD, the form is good for three years. So, if you have never played a sport at the high school level with MPS, you need to get this form completed and signed by your health care provider. You can then either upload the completed form to your account with MPS athletics or turn it in directly to your high school athletic director. For those who have skied with MAST in the past, check with your AD to see that your form is still valid for the ski season. If not, you will need to submit a new signed Physical Qualifying Examination form before the start of the season. For those in middle school: DO NOT TURN ANY FORMS INTO YOUR MIDDLE SCHOOL OR YOUR MIDDLE SCHOOL ATHLETIC DIRECTOR. Here is a link to register with MPS Athletics online: Once you complete all the forms, you will then click on another link to pay the $75 Activity Fee. In the past, we have asked MAST athletes to pay that fee to MAST and we in turn submit the activity fees to MPS. This year, we are directing you to pay the activity fee online with MPS Athletics. The Activity Fee does get applied to the Alpine budget in full. So, register with MPS athletics now. Register with MAST starting October 1. Instructions coming next week. III Equipment Buck Hill Ski Swap Friday, September 23 and Saturday, September 24Now is the time to be looking for any equipment you need. The first swap will be held this Friday through Sunday at Buck. Here is a link for more information on the Buck Hill Ski Swap. Please check out the Equipment Pages on our website for a lot of detailed information about the equipment you need. Be sure to read our MAST Buying Guide For Ski Equipment. The MAST Guide will help you understand how to size and select quality used (and new) equipment. Please note: You need SLALOM race skis and RACE boots. You do NOT want to use RECREATIONAL skis or boots. MAST Equipment Day at Pierce Skate and Ski Wednesday, October 5 10AM-8PM I will be at Pierce most of the day to help MAST athletes select and size any equipment you might need. MPS is not in school on the 5th so you can make appointments starting at 10AM. All you have to do is call Pierce to receive an appointment time. 952-884-6932 Team Afton Ski Swap Saturday, Oct 8 11AM-8PM and Sunday, Oct 9 11AM-5PM Click HERE for Details MAST Ski Swap and Tuning Clinic and Individual Fundraiser Kick-Off Saturday, October 15, 2-5PM Location: 4800 Harriet Ave Equipment Check In: 1:00-2:00PM Equipment Sale: 2:00-5:00PM Equipment Pick Up/Cash Out: 5:00-6:00PM Tuning Clinic: 3PM MAST Ski Swap Instructions For Selling Your Old Equipment If you have any equipment you would like to sell at the swap, you are encouraged to post this information on our website in advance. This includes skis, boots, shin guards, poles, gs suits, bibs, etc. Here is what to do. Step One: Take one or more pictures of each item you would like to sell. Be sure to get as much detail in as possible, i.e., condition of the boot soles, model information, flex number, sizing, etc. Step Two: Fill out the Equipment Sales Form on our website. Step Three: Send the photos to Cyrus Vahhaji ([email protected]) and Mark Conway ([email protected]), along with a short message that you would like these photos on the website and that you have filled out the sales form for each item. If the item does not sell before the swap on Oct 15, then bring it to the swap to sell. MAST Tuning Clinic: Saturday, October 15 at 3PM (During the MAST Ski Swap) All MAST athletes should be able to tune your skis (sharpen your edges and wax your bases). Parents are encouraged to also learn how to tune the skis so you can help your athlete do this properly without damaging the skis. Two brains are better than one. Our tuning clinic will teach you the basics of tuning and will help you get started. Join us at 3PM on Oct 15th. How is that? Is your brain ready to explode? I know this is a lot of information, but we have a lot going on already. Remember to go to our website regularly for reminders on all that is coming up and all that you need to be doing to be ready to ski as soon as the season opens. I look forward to seeing many of you soon. Be well. Make good choices. Mark Conway 612-275-8392 [email protected]
Thank you to all who volunteered to help clean the goat and poultry barns on Sunday at the State Fair! We are grateful for all of your hard work!
Mark your calendars! MAST Fall Pasta Dinner Fundraiser at Mr. Paul's Supper Club!
DATE: Monday, October 10, 2022 LOCATION: Mr. Paul's Supper Club 3917 Market Street Edina, MN 55424 50th and France HOSTED BY: Carrie Erickson and Tommy Bagnaud (owners and MAST parents) DETAILS: Two seatings at 5:30pm and 7:00pm COST: $25 for Adults $15 for Kids under age 12 $10 Wine and Beer tickets at event CAPACITY: 125 people per seating VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: 12-15 MAST athlete volunteers per seating First shift: 4pm--6:30pm Second shift: 6:30pm-9pm * athlete volunteers eat for free ** sign up doc to come OTHER: Please sell tickets to family, friends, neighbors, teachers, grandparents, and anyone looking to support MAST, eat great food, and dine at the Twin Cities Best New Restaurant! MAST UPDATE #2
Thursday, September 1, 2022 Dear MAST Athletes, Parents and Coaches: I. The MAST Pre-Season officially opens on Monday, September 5 with our Minnesota State Fair Goat and Poultry Barn Cleaning Fundraiser. This team (YOU) is amazing. We already have 109 of the 120 volunteer positions filled. THANK YOU. It is not too late to sign up. MN State Fair Goat and Poultry Barn Clean Up Even Date: Monday, September 5th Time: 5:30pm Location: MN State Fair Goat and Poultry Barn 1785 Judson Avenue St. Paul SIGN UP LINK: Tickets can be retrieved from the McConville Homestead between 8AM and 8PM beginning tomorrow, Friday, September 2 through Monday, September 5th. Well, don’t wait until Monday at 8PM to pick them up or you will miss the fun. Where: The McConville Homestead 5057 Newton Ave South. Tickets will be in a clear plastic bin on the deck (facing the park) like last year. See attached photos to orient yourself to the correct location. The clear plastic bin will be in the front facing the park. Be sure to sign the sheet when you take your tickets. Anybody can text or call Matt at 612-802-9560 with questions. III. Save The Dates A. Monday, September 26, 7-8PM. “Orientation to High School Ski Racing and MAST” Where: Fuller Park Rec Center, 4802 Grand Ave S. For: New Athletes and Parents What: Learn more about high school racing and the Mpls Alpine Ski Team. We will give you a fairly extensive education on high school ski racing and the what, how, who, why, when and where of all things related to MAST. My apologies for scheduling this on Rosh Hosannah. I was unaware of the conflict until it was too late to reschedule. I will be posting a narrated slideshow of the presentation later that week for those who cannot attend the meeting. B. Thursday, September 29, 4PM to ??? “The 3rd Annual MASTers Golf Tournament” We’re excited to announce the 3rd Annual MASTers Golf Tournament (see attached) to be held at 4PM on Thursday, September 29 at Hiawatha Golf Course. A flyer is attached and a link to register is posted below. Just a reminder that this is a causal round of scramble golf for fun, so all parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, alumni, coaches, and fans of MAST are welcome. The youth have to sit this one out however. SIGN-UP HERE We are also excited to be holding a raffle at the event for a chance to win incredible prizes. But we need YOU to help provide them—just make sure they’re incredible! Please donate any goods or services that you are certain others would want to receive. I was told I cannot donate the 12 pair of rusting skis sitting in my basement. Shucks. RAFFLE DONATIONS HERE C. Friday, September 23-Sunday, September 25 Buck Hill Ski Racing Team Tent Sale Okay, this is not a MAST event, but it is an opportunity to buy USED equipment, clothing and gear. ONE CAUTION: Every year a new MAST athlete goes to this sale and shows up for our first on-hill practice with the WRONG equipment. There are too many unknowledgeable people selling equipment at this swap. If someone says “this will work for high school racing” either call me (612-275-8392) or walk away and find a new salesperson. You want race equipment, not recreational equipment that will “work” for a new high school skier. I see that you can pay $20 and enter the sale at noon ahead of the general public. This is an opportunity to get the best pick of used race skis and boots. Otherwise, the doors open at 2pm. Here is a link for more information on the Buck Hill Ski Swap. Please check out the Equipment Pages on our website for a lot of detailed information about the equipment you need. Attached is a revised MAST Buying Guide For Ski Equipment. This is also available on our website under the Equipment header. The MAST Guide will help you understand how to size and select quality used (and new) equipment. Please note: You need SLALOM race skis and RACE boots. You do NOT want to use RECREATIONAL skis or boots. Why? Because they will not perform well in a slalom race course. The skis will be slow to turn. The boots won’t flex and help you create the kind of angles you need to progress as a racer. D. Wednesday, October 5 10AM-8PM MAST Equipment Day at Pierce Skate and Ski I will be at Pierce most of the day to help MAST athletes select and size any equipment you might need. MPS is not in school on the 5th so you can make appointments starting at 10AM. All you have to do is call Pierce Skate and Ski to receive an appointment time. Pierce Phone: 952-884-6932 Now, to be clear, you can make an appointment anytime to go to Pierce before the 5th. Many of you have done so already. I would like to remind you of what I said in Update #1: new equipment is likely to be in short supply this year. If you plan to buy new, make an appointment for the 5th or on an earlier date. This will give you the best choices if you are buying new. That’s a lot to chew on so I’ll stop here. More news to share next week. And I will see many of you on Monday. Happy Labor Day. Mark 612-275-8392 [email protected] -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Minneapolis Alpine Ski Team" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to [email protected]. To view this discussion on the web visit |
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