Good Afternoon:
I keep forgetting to ask you to look around in your ski bags and anywhere in your house, car, garage, basement, bags or chicken coops for any MAST things that might be still in your possession. Bibs, radios, radio chargers, clipboards.... anything. Bring to banquet please. We will be taking inventory of everything we own next week and packing it away in storage for 2024-25. Thank you. Mark MAST POST SEASON UPDATE #2
Friday, March 8, 2024 Dear MAST Athletes, Parents, Coaches and Fans: Please read for some very important announcements regarding
I. Voting For Next Season’s MAST Captains BEFORE you arrive at the banquet on Sunday, please click on the link below to learn who wants to serve as a captain next year and why. You will be able to cast your vote for 2 girls and 3 boys. A fantastic slate of athletes has expressed their interest in serving as your captain next year. Please honor the courage it takes to put your name in the ring and read their statements carefully before voting. When you log in, use your name (your vote will be kept secret) and use your MPS email address. One vote per current athlete only. We will keep your vote secret, but we will make sure that those who vote are only voting once and are associated with our team. No ballot stuffing. Submit your vote no later than 4PM on Sunday, March 10. The link will close at 4PM sharp. This means that if you want to vote, you need to do so BEFORE you come to the banquet. PARENTS: PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR ATHLETE HAS SEEN AND READ AND ACTED ON THIS OPPORTUNITY TO VOTE. WE REALIZE THAT THEY DON'T CHECK EMAIL OFTEN. II. 2024-25 Hyland Season Pass Spring Sale Once again, we are offering you the opportunity to save some money on your 2024-25 Hyland Season Pass by purchasing the pass with MAST. The price is the same as if you were to purchase it online ($474), but you will not be charge MN State Sales Tax. You can purchase your pass with MAST in one of two ways. A. Bring a check made payable to Mpls Alpine in the amount of $474 to the banquet on Sunday. Hope White will be collecting payment for season passes at the banquet. B. Mail a check made payable to Mpls Alpine in the amount of $474 to: Hope White 4945 Clinton Ave S Mpls MN 55419 Deadline: Checks must be received by Wednesday, March 27. You can also purchase your pass directly from Hyland HERE. The online price increases to $499 on April 1 through October 31. The price increases again to $524 on Nov 1. III. Athlete Race Day Lift Tickets This season we did not ask parents/athletes to pay for lift tickets in advance of our away races as we did last year. As you will learn from the letter posted below from our Board, we made the mistake of thinking that Team Snap gave us the capability of applying athlete credits to the TS invoicing capabilities. We were wrong. So, we are coming to you after the season to collect payment for all tickets purchased for away races this winter for your athlete. Read on for more information on how to pay. Hello, MAST parents. When we made the decision to use Google Spreadsheets for race intentions, we circumvented Team Snap's payment process and lost the ability for parents and athletes to apply athlete credits from coffee and salsa sales against amounts due for their away lift tickets. Next year we will revert to using Team Snap for race intentions to simplify your payment process. For the 2023/24 race season, we've created a list of any away race lift ticket costs by athlete. This list will be posted at the banquet on Sunday where you can pay via either Venmo or check. Any available credits have been applied to balances due and you will see this reconciliation in the list. Apologies for any confusion. Many thanks. The MAST Board IV. Banquet Reminder 2023 - 2024 MINNEAPOLIS ALPINE SKI TEAM BANQUET Sunday, March 10, 4:45 PM to 9:00 PM Arrive at 4:45, Program starts at 5:15. LOCATION: Annunciation Church 509 W. 54th Street, Minneapolis Enter from the parking lot at W. 55th Street, north on Harriet Ave. BANQUET DETAILS: The MAST end-of-the-season celebration will be held at Annunciation Church with dinner and awards. Bring your own water and/or non-alcoholic beverage. All attendees, show your MAST pride! Rock your MAST gear: flannels, race suits, shin guards, hats, goggles, vintage ski wear… Or, show up in MAST colors (red, blue, white). Wear anything that celebrates this community’s love of MAST and skiing. ADDITIONAL INFO: MAST Season 2023-24 Photo Books have been created! 20 books have been pre-printed and will be available for purchase at the banquet. (First come, first served!) If needed, we will take orders for additional photo books to be printed and picked up - same price, payment taken at the banquet. Photobooks are $26. Pay by cash/venmo/check. Thank you to Janna Fraboni for the many hours creating the book and Janna Fraboni and Brien Spanier for their dedication all season long to photographing the team! Follow MAST Facebook and MAST Instagram for Senior Posts and Banquet updates. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: We are still looking for volunteers, especially two photographers, two adult clean-up coordinators for the 8th, 9th, and 10th graders and we will need 20 more 9th and 10th graders for clean up! All VOLUNTEER SIGN UP Contact Dianne McConville ([email protected]) or Wendy Moore ([email protected]) with any questions. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday, March 10th! Mark 612-275-8392 Hello MAST Families!
The deadline to purchase banquet tickets is tomorrow, Wednesday, March 6th. Here is the information you need about the banquet... 2023 - 2024 MINNEAPOLIS ALPINE SKI TEAM BANQUET DATE & COST: Sunday, March 10, 4:45 PM to 9:00 PM $15 Per Person ($60 Max Per Family) Under 12 Free Arrive at 4:45, Program starts at 5:15. *Please contact Mark Conway if you need assistance with the banquet fee* LOCATION: Annunciation Church 509 W. 54th Street, Minneapolis Enter from the parking lot at W. 55th Street, north on Harriet Ave. REGISTER HERE DEADLINE IS WEDNESDAY, March 6th! Contact Dianne McConville ([email protected]) or Wendy Moore ([email protected]) with any questions. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday, March 10th! MAST Facebook MAST Instagram 2023 - 2024 MINNEAPOLIS ALPINE SKI TEAM BANQUET
DATE & COST: Sunday, March 10, 4:45 PM to 9:00 PM $15 Per Person ($60 Max Per Family) Under 12 Free Arrive at 4:45, Program starts at 5:15. *Please contact Mark Conway if you need assistance with the banquet fee* LOCATION: Annunciation Church 509 W. 54th Street, Minneapolis Enter from the parking lot at W. 55th Street, north on Harriet Ave. REGISTER HERE DEADLINE IS WEDNESDAY, March 6th! BANQUET DETAILS: The MAST end-of-the-season celebration will be held at Annunciation Church with dinner and awards. Bring your own water and/or non-alcoholic beverage. All attendees, show your MAST pride! Rock your MAST gear: flannels, race suits, shin guards, hats, goggles, vintage ski wear… Or, show up in MAST colors (red, blue, white). Wear anything that celebrates this community’s love of MAST and skiing. Please reach out to Dianne McConville ([email protected]) with any dietary restrictions. *We will not have live-streaming this year, but the event will be recorded. ADDITIONAL INFO:
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: We are still looking for volunteers, especially two photographers, two adult clean-up coordinators for the 8th, 9th, and 10th graders and we will need 20 more 9th and 10th graders for clean up! All VOLUNTEER SIGN UP Contact Dianne McConville ([email protected]) or Wendy Moore ([email protected]) with any questions. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday, March 10th! MAST Facebook MAST Instagram |
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