Hello Again:
First: We are missing Bib #10. This fall, I ordered replacement bibs and new bibs numbering 110-140 from our supplier. This will give our team a full inventory of bibs numbered 1-140. When I went to integrate the new bibs with our old bibs this weekend, I discovered that we were missing bib #10. I know that #10 was in play at least as late as Feb 26th last season. This number would have been used by a varsity skier at either the Welch race or at Sections or State. If someone used it at Sections or State, it could have been either a boy or girl. RETURNING VARSITY SKIERS: PLEASE CHECK THROUGH YOUR BAGS, JACKET POCKETS, LAUNDRY BASKET, HEN HOUSE, DISHWASHER AND SEE IF BY CHANCE YOU HAVE BIB 10. IF SO, YOUR REWARD WILL BE A BIG THANK YOU AND A HIGH FIVE. Second: The Afton Invitational just opened for entry. The race is scheduled for a 10:30AM First Run Start on Friday, January 28, 2022. MPS is OFF of school that day which makes this an especially good race to enter. I entered three teams.
We should be able to bus to/from Afton. Most likely we will need to leave Washburn sometime between 7:30 and 8:00AM. We may need to ask families to cover the cost of the lift ticket, which will possibly run in the neighborhood of $30. MAST is covering the race entry fee for each squad of 28 athletes and MPS will cover the cost of transportation. I would like all athletes and parents to look at your calendar and then State Your Race Intentions for the Afton Invite. The first 42 boys and 42 girls who respond YES will be guaranteed a spot on one of the teams. If the race does not fill with other squads, I can possibly enter more racers to the JV race, but I will need to know this by December 20th to have the best chance of getting more start positions. The race is limited to 20 teams, and we have already taken up three of the spots. Here is a link to state your race intentions to the Afton Invite on Jan 28th. https://www.mplsalpineski.org/january-28-2022-race-intentions.html Thanks for getting this done. Do not state your intentions for any of the other races in January at this time. Attached is a spreadsheet listing the athletes who have stated your intentions for the races on DEC 13 and 17. Intentions for each race are listed in separate tabs. If you still need to do this, please get it done by the end of this week (DEC 2). Thanks Everyone. Mark Comments are closed.
February 2025
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